Priorities:Madanapalle Institute of Technology and Science Student Priorities

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Strategy: 1


I&E cell enhances the creative thinking abilities of a student. It aims at bringing out the entrepreneurial skills of a student. In order to make I&E more effective, introduction of a course that focuses on innovation, is essential.


  • First, care should be taken in framing the course and syllabus. It should be a interactive course without putting more burden on the students.
  • Next challenge is to introduce this course to the students of all the disciplines. Preferably in the second year itself, this course should be made as a part of the curriculum. Mr.Jagadeesh Babu, coordinator of  I&E cell  shall teach the course. It would be apt to name the course as 'Basics of Innovation & Entrepreneurship'
  • Every semester this course shall be offered and the maximum of  200 students shall be taken in for the course.
  • Since there are students from different branches, we planned to have the classes during 3 -4 , where at least students from few branches have a free period. It shall be a 30 hour course.
  • A minimum of 60% of marks are required to complete the course successfully.  Students who have successfully attended the course shall be provided 3 credits.
  • Faculty coordinator of  ED cell MR.Vara Prasad and the Department Of Management Studies shall also be involved in teaching the course.
  • In order to help students to think innovatively , various activities related to innovation, few workshops and project expo's need to be implemented .
  • Collaborative learning should be developed among students to make learning more interesting, students should be given more opportunities to share their ideas and knowledge.
  • At the end of the course, students must be asked to identify a problem within their class and come up with the possible solutions and select the best one. This can be done by interaction with fellow students. Students can take help from the club coordinators regarding this aspect.
  • Instead of having a normal evaluation process that generally involves written tests, students can be assessed based on their performance regarding solving the problem that they have identified.


We do not have this project park where the  innovative projects are exhibited and now we are deriving a strategy for this problem as mentioned below.


Project Park:

  • We are in the process of implementing this in our college .
  • Students who have ideas to make projects will be involving several stages where the ideas are collected and they are developed under mentorship of faculty and these  developed projects are exhibited in the 3-5 day park in our campus.
  • It means that all the projects related to all streams can exhibit them in the park .Through this they can come up with their ideas i.e. their projects.Invitation will be sent to other colleges and also to the famous funding agencies so that the best  projects will be funded.
  • From this, student can get encouragement and this leads them towards entrepreneurship.

Resources provided by I&E:

In the process of completing the projects successfully students need the resources, money, guidance from I&E. So, I&E is planning to have the following resources

  • It takes almost 3 to 4 months to complete the projects.
  • Students must form into group of 4(maximum of 2 from each department) and select a mentor of their choice from each department. This makes the project inter-disciplinary.
  • In a week’s time, students start working out on their projects.
  • In order to make sure their projects are going on as per schedule, they have to send their progress monthly to faculty whom they opted as their mentor
  • If anyone wants to add extensions to their project and need financial support, they get ‘seed money’ of about $1600
  • They have to wait for one month to get the requested seed money K. Chokkanathan, I&E cell coordinator takes care of these. This request process is done in the month of March.


Every year we are planning to exhibit it in the months’ of December and March. We are going to present all the projects which are better and useful to the society. So after presenting these projects park all the industries and companies who have visited the park can have a chance to buy those projects and ultimately leads students towards entrepreneurship.

Strategy :2


  • At present, students are allowed to sit in a particular classroom that too in their respective departments. But, in order to make the students more collaborative we make  I & E as interdisciplinary which helps the students from one branch to share their views with the students of other departments.
  • In this course teams are divided irrespective of their departments and we ensure that each team consists of students from all the departments
  • This can also be applied for student and faculty. Through this different departments students can get connected with different faculty irrespective of their stream and they might also work on different projects.
  • From this process, the students will also start learning how to adapt to different situations and how to manage the people from different cultures. This really helps them when they enter into the real corporate world.                                                        
  • Each class comprises of 72 students out of them, 12 students can be from the same department (total 6 departments are there). Taking the help from Mrs. Pratibha madam, Administration Officer and Mrs.Athar Sameena Khan madam, Student Welfare Officer, we finalize the division process. This shall be implemented for the next academic year (2018-19).



This is a platform where students can exhibit their hidden talents. Each and every student has some hidden talent in him/her. Either it may be inherited or learnt.


  • In Talent expo students are given chance to exhibit their hidden talents which motivates the students by encouraging them to participate in this EXPO.
  • A register book is maintained in which each and every student has to enroll themselves and their talents that they wish to exhibit.
  • These talents can be anything like Dance, music, photography, Martial arts and so on. After enrolling themselves,

Once in every 6 months this day is conducted where students can perform their talents.


Here talents can be encouraged. If a student who is  good at dance can exhibit and on the other hand if a student is good at music can perform, this is the best platform to learn both music and dance. Moreover, it is fun too.


MITSians - Voice

MITSians - Voice is a social website that will be designed by and for the students to promote the interaction among students from departments.


  • our present generation, are techno savvy and more on the social networking sites like Facebook Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, snapchat, etc.
  • Most of us love to spend our time in social media, so creating a social website is a good idea.
  • So we will use the same technique.
  • This website will have a login for each student who joins the college with their registered numbers.
  • Once the students login in to this site, all the detailed information of  Past, present and future activities will be displayed in the form of Facebook posts.
  • The information dump of each cell will be in a page.
  • We will also add Like, comment and share options so that interested events’ information  will be available with the related updates .
  • A featured page is idea-Share, which  encourages students to post the innovative, novel ideas.
  • If any of the student likes an idea posted by the other student, then they can form into a team and can collaborate to transform the idea to do a mini-project.
  • Campus Webmaster will have all the editable rights.


Students and faculty from various departments will be in touch with each other, sharing their views, ideas and collaborating with each other which in turn leads to solving the major problems in our campus: Peer to Peer Learning & Faculty - Student Interaction will enhance student progression and a healthy conducive learning environment will be evolved in MITS Ecosystem.

Strategy: 5


 It has become a problem, where freshers find it difficult to acknowledge the resources present in the college.

MITs app is going to help the students to acquire the information in all aspects about our campus.

Things to be implemented!

  • Campus Map:  Here we are going to show the whole college 3D map with the pinpoint location of all resources in our campus.
  • Clubs and cells :We are going to comprehend cells and clubs of MITS along with the faculty in charge, student coordinators and the events conducted by those clubs and cells.
  • Staff  Information: Students of MITS can access the faculty information along with their wiki bio.
  • Moodle: Here the students can easily upload their assignments and they can get access to the study materials uploaded by the faculty
  • MITS Radio: This radio feature helps students to know the circulars which they missed. The radio is all about our campus related matter announcements and with a pinch of entertainment.
  • Digi-Lib: Students can quickly get E-books.
  • Wall of fame: In this wall of fame we will be posting all the achievements of the students.
  • News and events: this provides students with information about events and different activities taking place in the campus.
  • Gallery: In the gallery, students can find photos and videos related to all the events.


This app enables students to know each and everything about the campus.

Strategy: 6

Adopting a class:

It is a process in which we UIF candidates will be adopting  a classroom and improving the students by letting them explore how things can be done differently and in a more funny way.
How do we achieve this?
  • Firstly we are going to select one class and introduce ourselves by interacting with them. we are going to name that class as UIF adoption classroom.
  • We will collect the previous records of the attendance, scores and non-academic achievements  of all the student of that class.
  • Then we spot out different ways to improve the performance of the students in every aspect.
  • We will engage workshops for the adopted classroom and teach them how to improve their academics and non- academic activities by conducting workshops on design thinking which will help them see through loops.
  • After an academic year, we will compare the previous records with the on going academic records.
  • In this way, we start with adopting one class and slowly implement it throughout the campus.


By adopting classrooms our aim is to develop students in all the aspects and to promote I&E in the campus.

Strategy: 7

MITS Talks:

MITS talks is a platform similar to TED talks, where the persons who had reached to great heights in their career & in their life, share about their success stories with the MITS students.

Why MIT’s Talks?
“Mindset is what separates the best from the rest". We firmly believe in this. If successful people come and share their success stories the students get inspired from them. This will motivate students to set their goals higher and dream big, most importantly they will know how hard and innovatively they should/can work in order to achieve their goals.

How we are going to implement this?
  • We will approach passed-out students from different fields who are successful from our Institution and also people who are successful in their respective fields
  • We will invite them to our campus by planning an event and make the students to attend the program.


Here students get motivated. This helps students to be more focused on their goals and select a right path to achieve them.

Discourse MITS:

It is a blog  which is to acknowledge students with new information that can help to set more discussions like debate kind of activities from which students share their knowledge with each other and know things better.

What is the Discourse MITS:

                    Discourse MITS is to set a healthy argument or discussion to share their knowledge with each other so that students can mingle with everyone and get out of their fear zone(stage fear).

Importance of Discourse MITS:
  • Here the students will think innovatively and they post different solutions to one problem in a creative way.
  • They learn to accept everyone's idea.
  • Students can improve in all aspects by participating actively in this blog.
  • They can gain so much knowledge just by conversing with different people with different mindsets.
  • Students get to know more about what they already know/don’t know.
  • They learn to see things in different ways for solutions.


         Students can know each other and they start thinking in innovatively, this is how we can develop our I&E.



Present day students are interested to participate in all programs to enhance their interdisciplinary and interpersonal skills which connect them to the ecosystem and to their social network. This eagerness shall act like a bridge between them and the interdisciplinary programs. The inherent curiosity to access the information easily, triggers them to participate in the demarcated activities. By participating in such activities they can enrich their creative thinking ability and also their flare for innovation, which in turn give a boost to their entrepreneurship skills.

So we would like to give this momentum in the campus activities.

How Do We Achieve This?

  • Firstly, necessary steps shall be taken to design the course. Every student should feel free to participate and learn the content in the activities. Activities shall be embedded in the course.

  • As per our plan, every semester a maximum of 150 students shall assemble and discuss on the choice of the courses.

  • By understanding the choices, we inform the faculty the area of interest of many . Considering this they would give their consent and the time slot, and the same shall be informed to the interested students. 

  • Further, the schedule shall be fixed to conduct 2-3 classes per week on a  fixed time.

  • The same information shall be disseminated through promotions, as they play a vital role in sharing information about the scheduled  activities. So the requirement of the students is met and accordingly they would learn with passion.


This ensures students to involve wholeheartedly, as it is their choice and therefore they would extend their total commitment to the multidisciplinary programs offered on campus.


These innovative circles would help the  students to avail and updated information and the techniques of outer world, through the support of learned faculty. They would get a chance to expose to the new innovative techniques. 

Plan of Action:

  • Create a user friendly blog or website to promote all multidisciplinary resources and to organize the offers of MITS to reach the student community. (i.e scholarship programs, grants, internships, etc.). 
  • The site would also include due dates for applications, direct locations for where/how they need to be turned in, appropriate contacts for questions on the application, and much more. If prototyping is done in accordance with the mentioned details, it shall be  well-received by both students and faculty. 
  • The website shall be updated by the respective Coordinators, as per the inputs from the student’s interactive forum. 
  • Students and administrators monitor the institute’s programs to create a positive environment on campus. This will avoid the redundant circulars.


This enriches students’ creative skills and provide them the skills required for the outer world. This thinking out of the box shall enhance their opportunities for qualitative  and democratic innovations.


This weekend erronko(ie.,challenges) include programming & other technical and non-technical aspects.

Plan of Action:

  • The students of the Innovative Circles shall be given a challenge for the weekend to work on.

  • The students shall have discussions on the erronko during the seminar sessions on every weekend, which help them to understand the concept and satisfies their curiosity. 

  • Different technical and nontechnical tasks shall be given to students to sharpen their skillset.

How can this help?

  • Students shall have to work independently in completing their tasks,  which enhances analytical skills.

  • These challenges will create a competitive ambience and self learning  environment on the campus.  


This helps the  students to explore further  beyond their curriculum. This strategy is learner centered. It also sharpens the intellectual capabilities of the learners and reduces the dependency on the faculty. It provides opportunities for learners to explore, experiment and to continue with the research work.


This ensures the knowledge sharing amongst the members of the particular league. This also involves the members in deep discussion with the faculty, with other members and also with the experts in the respective technical field.

Plan of action:

  • This further lead to formation of sub leagues and ensures maximum participation of the students in the fields  of their interest. This will result in quick learning in a short span of time.

  • The bottom line of this activity is to involve even the low achievers, as there shall be peer learning and also faculty support. This will result in effective mode of knowledge transfer. 

  • This shall provide a chance to improve the learning outcomes and to solve real-time challenges. Thus the powerful and smart use of learning technologies are put to use in real time solutions.

  • This activity gives a scope to partner with , researchers, entrepreneurs and leading technical experts. This offers a test-bed to the  new approaches to learning.

Impact: This shall ensure the bonding between the faculty and the students. Good mentoring, team spirit, strategic planning and team coordination occurs and campus would be transformed into a hub of learning. This strategy will result in the updating of latest technological know how's.


Mentors play a vital role in motivating students and guiding the students in a proper direction to unleash their potentials. This guidance  helps them to navigate in the unknown oceans of information and to support them for a safe landing. The mentors’ experiences shall have a greater influence and help the students to achieve the target.

How might we implement this program?

  • Mentors shall be requested to give a follow up program to the issue concerned and shall guide the path way in accordance with the choices of the mentees.
  • Regular mentoring and timely guidance shall give them a clear vision about their own strengths and weaknesses to progress on the path of their interest. 

How can this help?

  • It makes mentees to take better decisions.
  • It provides 3the direction and to proceed further with confidence.
  • It invigorates enthusiasm, passion to work and to innovate.
  • It creates a wide scope for the younger generation to understand this modern disruptive technologies and to utilize them to create a better society.


This would facilitate the students and the faculty to develop professional and supportive relationships. This minimizes stress levels of the mentees. The pathway shall become clear and they would utilize the opportunities provided in their respective ecosystem.


  • Arranging orientation and induction programs for both seniors  and freshmen.
  • Holding Multiple sessions over the usage of technology.
  • Conducting Webinars, Symposiums and Conferences

Need for this:

  • Gives a scope to go beyond the syllabus and to connect with the evolving technologies.
  • Provides a platform for self-learning and updating the skills at one’s own pace.
  • Equips the students  with the latest unlimited technical knowledge 
  • Improves the tenacity to withstand the competitive world to secure the expected outcome.


This learning process enhances the technical knowledge and involves in gripping and grasping the new trends and opportunities.


The success of every individual has its contribution in the societal development and in the global arena. 
How will it help?

  • The know how's of technical aspects in the academic classes are seldom heeded. These techy program creates a platform for students to interact with faculty and experts to upgrade their technical skills in the workshops, conferences, Bootcamp sessions etc. 
  • This builds up confidence in young minds and to bring out the novel solutions. This creates a competitive spirit in learning the new trends.
  • This bridges the needs of the industries and establish connections with the corporate world or global connect.
  • This is useful for students to crack their placements before their exit.


By implementation of this strategy, students become industry ready. They also excel in their technical knowledge and generate new apps, web pages and attain various innovative achievements.


  • In this competitive world, there is a rat race. Everyone is focused on one’s own dreams, ambitions. When the outcome based education is the dictum of the day, the choices should be abundant. 
  • In this, Students will get to know certain aspects of other engineering courses and also realize one's passion for doing things.

Action Plan:

  • Open Electives are to be introduced from 1st year so that the students can work on the course of their passion right from the beginning
  • Students need to spend their extra time in college to learn new courses apart from academics.
  • Motivational sessions shall be arranged to trigger the eagerness of the students to enable them to determinate to explore their own inner passions.


It facilitates  the students to enroot their career path in this dynamic world. It establishes the connectivity with their own passion  with the core discipline. It reduces the pressure on the core and diversifies the career needs. It is a stepping stone for multidisciplinary collaboration. 

Strategy: 9


Alumni is the strength and best resource of any institute to know about the future opportunities and in guiding the current students about their career. Alumni plays an active role in mentoring students about their areas of expertise and in acquiring scholarships for the deserving .Talented alumni will share their wealth of experience and skills with students via talks and meets .To strengthen the alumni network in the institute we should update and add more features to online alumni portal.

How might we implement this?

  • Firstly, we have to contact our alumni relations officer & IMS (Information management system) coordinator and pull out the details of alumni.
  • After collecting the information of alumni, we will float mails and make calls for all the alumni to register/update about their current status, profile and social media profiles in the portal.
  • The students will go through the portal containing alumni profiles and select people whom they thought to be resourceful.
  • We will create a message option on the portal which can act as a medium for students where they can have one to one conversation privately with the alumni.  So that approaching alumni is simplified for students.
  • If possible, we would also like to have some in-person meetings on campus.


Making this program effective would result in building a strong alumni network and On campus students will be benefited in many ways like career guidance, job opportunities, internships, getting updates on industrial needs and few more. Finally, we can utilize our alumni to greater extent.


These days communication, public speaking, and leadership skills plays a vital role in everyone’s life .To enhance the arts of speaking, listening and thinking ,we do have toastmasters club which enables students to improve communication skills in a safe, encouraging and supportive environment .Toastmasters provide a fun yet constructive way to network with others .

How might we implement this?

  • Firstly, We will approach a faculty from the Department of English & foreign languages and explain about  our plan of starting a toastmasters club in our campus and seek their guidance.
  • Then we will form a club with some of the students as coordinators and organizers by seeking approval from Student Welfare Cell(SWC).
  • We will promote the activities of the club among all the students through college mails, direct interactions and ask the interested to enroll in the club.
  • Meetings are to be conducted once in a week or once in a fortnight that include activities like impromptu speeches ,themed meetings ,prepared speeches ,table topics ,extempore presentations and debates.


This club improvises the interpersonal skills of students and also makes students aware of vital skills that promote self-actualization ,enhance leadership potential ,foster human understanding and contribute to the betterment of mankind. One can significantly reduce stage fear in delivering speeches and improve interpersonal communication .We can build confidence ,Sharpen Leadership abilities ,expand one's personal and professional network among students .

MITS Flash :

Awareness can be broadly defined as those systems that help people construct and maintain awareness of each others' activities, context or status. Here we provide a medium to know about the resources and the different opportunities to utilize them .

How might we implement this?

  • Firstly, we need to have a discussion with departments conducting events and get the required permissions to access the latest updates of clubs/cells and other things in the institute.
  • As soon as the event is conducted, the report regarding the event is collected to make it an article.
  • To have a permanent solution for spreading awareness we would like  to start a monthly magazine, in which we will update information about all the events held in the institute.
  • We can familiarize the existing campus resources by making  videos which give a clear picture of their functionality.
  • The updates of the events going on campus will  be given live on you tube and other means like WhatsApp and so on...  to improve the outreach of resources to the students and for reference.


Through this, the updates of the live events and the existence of many institutional resources will be known to each and every student. So that they can utilize the resources provided by the institute to the full potential.

MITS Wizz:

MITS WIZZ is entirely a student operated radio station which totally works on the internet. This is a fast and entertaining way to reach out students about the institute updates. It does not end just by passing updates, in addition to that it gives many opportunities like public speaking, showcasing their skills and many more. Along with these we can also  broadcast the live activities like seminars, guest lectures, talks happening on campus.

Plan of Action:  

  • Firstly, we have to define the purpose of the wadio media  and have an overview on the shows to be held that include different genres of music, news discussions, broadcasting talk shows, updates on live performances and special events etc..,
  • Then, we have to make sure we build a team with different people with different skills, backgrounds and passions to work in the project.
  • After building a team, we should get the required permissions & equipment through which we can run this college wadio.
  • Subsequently, we will promote this college wadio among all the students and ask them to download an application from play store.
  • Then the students can have all the scheduled podcasts ready to listen .


Empowering students' voices. Students will be aware of all the activities and events held in the college along with their importance. The events happening on campus can be given as a live podcast, so that the limit of the resource is extended to all the students on or off campus.  It also acts as a good platform for students to exhibit their talents, experiences and creativity. Students can also opt for a good playlist of songs at scheduled timings for entertainment.

Nexus learning :

Involvement and interaction among students makes the learning process more interesting, this can be achieved through nexus learning because it is an educational method where students are given prior instructions about lectures and they can have a glance of concepts at home before attending a class. Then students apply the concepts that they learned independently with the instructor and other attendees during the class hours. During class time, there will be more amount of time to approach things practically. Teachers get to know what kind of difficulties students are facing. It also helps faculty on what concept they have to spend time.

How might we implement this?

  • We should initiate discussions among  management ,faculty and students about designing nexus learning for institute.
  • We familiarize the concept of nexus classes to the students.
  • We will help faculty in designing the activities required to engage the students in self learning.
  • Accordingly, teachers will give the topics and few more DIY projects to the students that they have to learn/make at home.
  • Apply the concept by building prototypes.
  • During the class hours , students should explain the assigned topic and make discussions among them.
  • Immediate feedback will be provided by faculty to the students over the concepts explained in the class hours and  they can focus on the difficult concepts.
  • Consequently, students are formed into small groups and friendly competitions will be held.    


Nexus learning  allows students to understand the concepts on their own and to have more interaction among peers while learning. The activities they do at classes, enhances their presentation skills and allows them to think diversely. It also promotes practical and team spirit in students.



Why MITS Code?

In this software sector coding plays a significant role in everyone's life for fixing careers and for skill development too. Coding is very much  similar to Mathematics. The more problems we solve, the more grip we get on the concepts. Many students are facing problems with coding. This website is a platform where  all the interested students get a chance to access practice programming questions, related to many languages like c, c++, python, java, and many more. Surprisingly many of the students wish for this platform.


  • We will collaborate with faculty in our campus and ask them to shoot some problems culminating the concepts.
  • We will build a website and also provide an online compiler and we will post questions that are given by our faculty. Compilers will be provided for all the programming languages. This makes it easier for the students to practice coding.
  • We also provide a discussion platform where students can post their own questions  and others can answer them.
  • We will also provide questions that were asked by big MNCs such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft etc..
  • We strongly hope that this platform will enable students to practice coding related questions and improve their coding skills. This will help them to secure better employment as almost all the MNCs are in a skill hunt for such experts.


This platform makes coding easier for the students and also improves problem solving abilities.  This platform is aiming at helping students to enhance their employability skills.

3D Overview map

The 3D overview map is very useful to each and every student to get connected to the  campus. As the freshmen this was a pain point of ours too. When we came we felt that this is totally an alien land used to be inhibited to explore the campus. What are the resources, where can we do what and the know-hows are not known. As our campus is very big in terms of infrastructure, it's very hard and confusing for students to locate the resources. To address  this problem a campus 3D overview map is very useful to provide pinpoint location of hunt and access each resource. Campus connect is the main issue and the inhibitions developed in the early stages will continue for long. So, minimize this fear complex and to maximize the resource hunt we want to take up this initiative.

Plan of action:

  • We will contact the campus administration to provide the campus blueprint for better understanding of campus building.
  • We create geotags and locate each lab, library and seminar halls.
  • In order to make the campus look like 3D we want to use blender and AutoCAD.
  • To make the 3D model accessible to everyone we update the model to our institute website by using WebGL and three.js


By implementing a 3D model of our college on our website, everyone will get to know the exact location of each and every resource available and that gives them a better chance to explore. That will establish a better campus connection and a chance to quench the curiosity of the freshmen. The personalized digital view of the place will enable us to participate in all the campus related activities like various clubs and the competitions.

MITS Luminaries

Luminaries is a platform to expose the achievers of MITS. This platform exposes their achievements and inspires all the students with their success stories. It gives an opportunity to showcase the skills of achievers and to motivate other students. “Getting inspired by looking at a person will give you a reason to grow and change”. This will be a proud moment for the achievers and also social identity will enhance gratification.


  • We will identify the students/ faculty who have achieved something (innovation, app development or paper publication or Hackathon achievement etc.,)  along with the participation details. The moment of  pride is shared in the  Institute as they are contributing to the common goals. An interview or an inspirational video will bring popularity and a sense of achievement to them.
  • All their success stories, skills, struggles, suggestions will be a lesson for the budding innovators. This will be published in social media accounts to make sure that this will reach out to our MITSians easily.
  • “Many flowers have bloomed unseen. ”There are many students from various departments who have succeeded at a young age and reached heights but unfortunately not being recognized in one’s own ecosystem.
  • This platform will be able to showcase the talents of the students which motivates and  inspires others to follow the success path. many people.


Therefore, the skills of the achievers will be exposed along with their stories to inspire many more to realize their dreams. Let each one try to bring dreams to come true. Goal attainment and fixing targets can be a part of campus life soon. Want to see many more on the Web Wall of Fame.

Project Showcase

Webpage for showcasing reports of the student & Faculty Establishments. There are many students and faculties in the institute who are involved in many projects irrespective of departments. Project showcase will show off the abilities of the people involved in it.

Plan Of Action :

  • Creating a Webpage as Project showcase in MITS official Website.
  • Identifying the People who did and who are doing some projects.
  • Collaborating with the Innovation Centre & Entrepreneurship Development Cell of the institute to identify the existing projects and members involved in it.
  • Collecting Students & Faculty Works From respective departments.
  • Creating reports on their projects and establishments.
  • Uploading the Reports, Video clips, Documentaries on the webpage.
  • Making everyone aware of this webpage.
  • Floating the G-Forms among the students and faculties to collect their projects information.
  • Collecting project works and making reports on them for updating on the web page.

Impact :

It will showcase the student’s and faculty’s Spoken & Unspoken establishments. It’ll be a good platform for them to publish their project works.



Why did we opt for this priority?

The main intention behind selecting this priority is to make a platform for students to interact with other peers and to have a healthy way to clarify their donuts.

We noticed that peer to peer interaction is lagging in the institution and no proper discussions between the students.

Will this strategic priority help the students?

Yes, this is an interface for students who can get their doubts clarified and questions solved in an interactive way, it is an easy way to get a good and healthier discussion with other peers in an effective manner. And we conducted a need assessment in order to know weather students really need one such platform , 215 students from different years responded to our assessment and 86.7% said that they need one such platform.

Here are the results

How does this priority work and how to develop this?

In order to encourage peer-to-peer learning we have created a group in a platform called discord which is very popular, secure and has over 350 million users the main motto of this group is to clarify all the academics related doubts of MITS students we will have students from different departments and from different years so this platform will open a way to infinite no fo possibilities like idea sharing, debugging ,group discussions  and what not. As the number of user increases, this platform  will turn to be more useful because their will be a lot more people to answer and to frame questions.To boost the abilities of this group we would like to invite our faculty to be a part of this group, so that students we get a lot more answers, ideas and many valuable insights from your side.

Plan of action:

As a first step we created a group, we will invite students from all different years to be a part of this group once people are in we will start sharing some questions and we will ask students to answer them and we will ask them  to share their own doubts so that students will become habituated to the platform then as the number of users reaches a required stage  we will upgrade the platform and we will make it open for group discussions and idea sharing in order to avoid confusion with doubts with different subjects we created different channels which serve for different subjects as a further step in order to provide better using experience for the user we will introduced bots which serve for a some particular purposes and make the platform more interactive.

Make in MITS: “Creating Affordable Branding Goodies to Commercialize Creativity.”

This is a platform meant for branding the students’ creativity and innovative products, with  Institutional logos/ icons.  Establishing a platform to enhance entrepreneurial skills.  Here the students get involved in the creation and marketing their skills as products.

Plan of Action:

First step is to find a place in the college to place our petty outlet centre. The space should be in everyone's accessibility.

Next, we will start promoting our stalls by sticking posters, sending mails, advertising and posting on social media platforms.

Any body who are interested in marketing can join us and can be a part of this.


Ideally, these will generate student interest and start to build a community interested in sharing ideas. While we are not sure of the frequency of the market, we believe that this space will encourage innovative thinking within the student body.

This could be room decors, gadgets, digital developments, paintings, food, hand crafts, ornamental things, hand-made jewelry or keychains, plants they grew, etc to other students.

Out of the box Thinking :

The priority is about posing some questions which help students think in a very different way, and we would identify their uniqueness.

The primary issue that our team identified was the absence of an interactive environment. To create a very interactive environment, like an atmosphere having more lively students.

So, to overcome this, we figured out this idea of out-of-the-box thinking i.e, OBT.

Plan of action:

This priority is our effort to foster a lively environment with lots of interaction between the students. This will not only make students actively participate among everyone but also recognizes students who have a good ideology of thinking apart from their academics.

We have chosen to play the social media pawn since students today are constantly on their phones and social media,and MITS flash, is an Instagram account of our Institution which is pretty well known with approximately 1.5 k followers.

Every weekend, as a part of our priority, we want to hold quizzes having questions concerning analytical thinking and the design thinking framework would be employed to evaluate the participants' answers. Respondents may reply via direct message to the questions that have been posted .

The winning response must be both unique and functional. The winner would receive a shoutout on the same Instagram page.


it will make students erase the boundaries of their thinking capacity and make them more interactive in the campus.


1.Anchors’ Club:

Our previous Fellows’ idea was to initiate a Radio station in the campus. MITS Community Radio Station 90.8 is established in the campus. During our campus interviews with faculty, we got the insight about the problem of taking Radio Programs forward. The Radio station Programs are lagging due to the RJ issues. The Radio Jockeys, who had been trained are busy with academic work and their involvement in the Radio related programs are not sufficient. Hence, catering the needs of the ecosystem and community around became our priority. Our organization's priority is our priority.

Apart from that in our previous interactions, we got feedback that the majority of students wanted a platform to enhance and showcase their skills. For which Campus Resource MITS Community Radio Station 90.8 plays a major role. Required presentation skills are lacking, though they are eager to participate in the activities. To reach all, we require a greater number of presenters/RJs/Anchors, so to take the programs in a desirable way.

Plan of action:

  • Floating google form/ survey to pool the interested students, who are creative, want to develop their soft skills.
  • Requesting the management to provide required permissions for participating in club activity and also for accessing the available resources.
  • Preparing the schedules for the activities for improving presentation skills.
  • Contacting administrators and professionals to conduct workshops to train Radio Jockeys/Anchors
  • Arranging Visits to Community Radio Stations to gain working knowledge.
  • Requesting the administrators to give demos and training programs to enable first-hand experience.
  • Gathering feedback and sharing the feedback with administrators and in charges


This platform will enable the students to gain practical learning skills, testing them in the Radio Station. Students grow personally and professionally by participating in Interactive programs, discussions on current events, media trends, interviews, Mitsians’ achievements and identifying societal issues. They stay updated with Talk Shows, which provide exposure to the views of alumni and other professionals. The programs on counselling & motivational would support students with stress management, career choices, issues related to depression and personal growth, which restore their wellness.  Their collaborative projects will see the light and are being heard in the campus, building an immediate image by establishing new connections. This ties up with the Alumni will enable them to stay focused on the latest happenings in the industry and academia. Our Anchors’ Club fosters an inclusiveness, wellness among the students by empowering the students for successful careers and offering solutions to societal problems.

2.Vanguards Club:

After discussing with senior fellows and in-house fellows, we understood that the increase in the intake is not catering to all. The DT principles to have to reach many more. Our freshmen, peers have to be exposed to the workshops. Creating a robust learning ambience would be our top priority. This idea enabled us to become a bigger team and to reach out to the like-minded innovators. We want to pool them to stay focused on campus innovations across the disciplines.

Plan of action:

  • We want to schedule an action plan to conduct DT workshops for all disciplines.
  • Want to collaborate with inhouse campus fellows to conduct training sessions.
  • Circulating google forms in respective class groups for easy access.
  • Sending circulars on DT sessions through the class representatives
  • Conduct surveys or focusing groups with your target audience to motivate them to join the Vanguards' Club.
  • We will conduct DT workshops section by section and we will try to get feedback and improvise our presentation to reach more and to trigger their divergent thinking.


By reaching out to all the branches through this club activity will create a hands-on experience which will trigger their thinking.  How to incubate the ideas, create prototypes, and how to transform the idea to a business idea, will further enrich and nurture the entrepreneur skills in the campus. Many students do not know how to go ahead with the idea development and to work in healthy teams. This will also help the students to form into teams and collaborate with the team spirit. Finally, the watertight compartments (departments) will get an opportunity to break the barriers and culminate to bring transdisciplinary innovations in the campus.

3.Wellness wheel

Of late, we heard of many deaths and attended condolence meetings on campus. During our interviews, some of the friends and faculty grieved about his scenario. After attending condolence meetings, we brainstormed the reasons and fixed accidents, suicides and ill health. This has given us an insight to go deeper into the major issue of mental health/wellness of the students on campus. “How might we improve students’ mental health or wellness?”  Through our interviews we probed and felt bad about the lack of awareness among the student community. The unhygienic conditions in and around Angallu (location of institute), academic stress, cricket betting, love failures, PUBG or video games, lack of time management skills, irresponsible driving and mobile addiction are the root causes.

To promote campus wellness, AICTE also has introduced Universal Human values as a theory subject, but practical sessions to learn are lacking. So, comes our idea of a Wellness wheel which will provide a practical workspace.

3rd Priority: Creation of Wellness Wheel:

We want to introduce a wellness wheel model in the institute based on the perspectives given by our peer group. Our wellness wheel culminates holistic perspectives of a balance among physical, emotional academic/carrier social creative spiritual environmental aspects of the students of MITS.  

Through the Promotion of this wellness wheel, we want them to understand the imbalances of different dimensions that creates stress and solutions to separate wellness.

Plan of Action:

Wellness wheel dimensions

  1. Physical Wellness: Coordinating with Campus Physical Education Director to promote marathons morning walks, jogging and physical fitness activities.
  2. Emotional Wellness: Series of guest talks by professional counsellors, psychiatrist, radio talks of doctors and interviews.
  3. Career/Academic wellness: Connecting and Involving alumni to give career talks and to give real life situations of industry and multinational companies.
  4. Social Wellness: Collaborating with NCC and NSS adopting angallu and improving the sanitary conditions through pamphlets and awareness programs, Radio talks.
  5. Creative Wellness: Organizing DT workshops and collaborating with different departments to involve in DT activities.
  6. Spiritual Wellness: Accelerating yoga club activities and contacting NGOs like art of living, Transcendental meditation to promote spiritual wellness in the campus .


Wellness and Mental Health improving body, mind and spirit.

Promoting physical activities results in good health and physical fitness.

By promoting emotional wellness, students become proactive and responsible.

By minimizing the negative thoughts and reality of life will be understood.

By creating study schedules students can set up career goals.

By connecting with mentors, a road map towards career goals is laid.

By promoting mindful commitments one can understand one’s own limitations.

By engaging in creative arts, innovations and club activities harmony can be established in the campus.

This wellness wheel creates or provides a solid foundation to the students to be proactive, goal oriented and self-responsible.

4.LED Digital Display Boards

The introduction of digital display boards on our institution's campus is a significant leap forward in communication and student engagement. These boards provide real-time updates on events, venue details, and vital announcements, ensuring students are consistently well-informed. With captivating graphics, animations, and videos, they grab students' attention effectively.

These digital boards excel in event promotion, showcasing posters, schedules, and teaser videos to generate excitement. information is now prominently displayed and easily accessible to everyone.

Plan of Action:

  • Identify the specific locations where digital display boards are needed.
  • Determine the types and sizes of boards required based on the content and audience.
  • Estimate the overall cost, including hardware, software, installation, and ongoing maintenance.
  • Develop a content strategy outlining the types of information to be displayed (e.g., event schedules, announcements, news).
  • Establish guidelines for content creation, including visuals, animations, and videos.
  • Assign responsibilities for content management and updates.
  • Create a map or layout of where each digital display board will be installed
  • Develop visually appealing and engaging content templates for various types of information.Populate the digital boards with initial content, including event schedules, welcome messages, and important announcements.
  • Collect feedback from students, faculty, and staff to identify areas for improvement.
  • Consider opportunities for expanding the digital display board network.


Digital display boards have a profound impact on institutions, offering dynamic communication and engagement benefits. They enhance communication through real-time updates, captivating graphics, and efficient event promotion. Students can access information easily, even in emergencies, and engage interactively with the content. Additionally, digital boards promote environmental sustainability by reducing paper usage and can be customized to maintain a consistent campus identity.

Strategy: 13

Campus Connect App

By improving student participation and streamlining access to crucial campus services, the Campus Connect App seeks to foster a more supportive and connected college experience. The application will function as a centralized hub where students can effortlessly retrieve academic data, campus amenities, event notifications, and possibilities for peer networking. Through enhanced communication among students, staff, and administration, the app aims to promote a more cooperative and effective campus setting.


  • Making both academic and non-academic resources easier to access.
  • Encouraging student involvement in events and activities on campus.
  • Improving communication between various departments and student groups.
  • Supplying easy-to-use, tailored navigation for pupils with different backgrounds.
  • Encouraging consistent use with useful features and ease of use.
  • Obtaining administrative backing to guarantee a smooth integration with the campus's current systems.

Multipurpose Workspaces

With areas for concentrated work, group conversations, creative brainstorming, and leisure, the Multipurpose Workspaces aim to establish a flexible, sustainable environment that meets the many demands of both students and faculty. These workspaces aim to:


  • Enhance productivity by providing all necessary resources in one location.
  • Promote well-being with mind games and relaxation areas to help users take meaningful breaks.
  • Foster collaboration by offering a space for both students and faculty.
  • Ensure sustainability by minimizing overcrowding and optimizing resource usage, including access to makerspaces, coffee machines, and vending machines.

Student Ambassador Program

The goal of the Student Ambassador Program is to develop leaders within the student body who will speak for the college, encourage involvement in the community, and represent it. The program advances the goals and ideals of the university by giving ambassadors rare chances to enhance their networking, leadership, and communication abilities. Ambassadors establish themselves as role models by mentoring and advocating for students, staff, and administration. Upholding the institution's legacy and promoting personal progress are the goals of this program.


  • Equips students with practical skills in event planning, public relations, and teamwork.
  • Acts as a link between students and the institution, improving communication and representation.
  • Fosters personal growth by enhancing time management, confidence, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Enables ambassadors to work on real-time, on-ground projects that benefit the campus community.
  • Acts as a link between students and the institution, improving communication and representation.
  • Encourages recruitment from diverse departments, such as events and outreach, sponsorships, multimedia, technical, and cultural initiatives.
  • Fosters personal growth by enhancing time management, confidence, and problem-solving abilities.

Related Links:

Landscape Canvas Fall 2024

Landscape Canvas Fall 2023

Landscape Canvas Fall 2022

Landscape Canvas Fall 2021

Landscape Canvas Fall 2020

Landscape Canvas-Fall 2K18

Landscape Canvas - Spring 2018

Landscape Canvas : Fall-2017

Campus Overview 

Fall-2021 Pitch Video:

Fall-2020 Pitch Video:

Fall-2019 Pitch Video: 

Fall-2018 Pitch Video:

Fall-2017 Pitch Video:

Fall-2016 Pitch Video:

Fellows Fall 2021:

Hima Siri Kadepalli

Malle Sangeetha

Manvitha BL

Puneeth Gangarapu

Sai Raghavi Vagga

Sine Nitish

Sulasya Jangam Mopidi

Thota Roopesh

Fellows Fall 2020:

Abdul Sameer Shaik

B N V Vasu Deva Rao

Likhitha Kurapothula

Poojitha Reddy Konkala

Puthin Kumar Reddy Thallapalli

Sai Sumith Gorla

Sasi Supraja Muthakana

Vishal Meda

Fellows  Fall 2k19:






Fall 2K18 Fellows: 

Abhishek Pasupulate

Sreevani kanala


Tasmi Samreen

Spring 2018 Fellows:

Hema Malini Charvakula,

Swapna Priya Pala,

Preethi Koduru,

Arjun Chakravarthi Pogaku

Fall 2017 Fellows:

Kusuma Amilineni

Sucharitha Chokkappagari

Umeshwar Reddy

Harshavardhan Bandarla

Spring 2017 Fellows:

Suchitra Nidiginti

Kollu Nishkala

Praneeth Sai

Manasa Kakarla

Fall 2016 Fellows:

Charan Sai Pala

Sai Kiran

Sameer Ahmed

Sindhu Bhonsley

Anitha Narnavaram

Priyanka Bonthala

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