Fellow:Himabindu Peramala

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Hima bindu profile.jpeg

Himabindu Peramala is currently pursuing her undergraduate in the branch of Computer Science Engineering at Madanapalle Institute of Technology and Science, India. She is from India and proud of her country’s rich culture and heritage. She maintains amicable relations with everyone, which makes her a good team player. Right from her schooling, she is a multitasker, took up many leadership activities and also collected a bunch of leadership badges by winning in various debates and elocutions. She is determined and can tackle any situation in a smooth way. She loves to interact with new people. She is a great empathizer and works for the community’s well-being. Her innate skill set is her asset.

Himabindu is mostly interested in doing novel things. She believes that self-confidence enables anyone to achieve anything in life. She is the organizer of many club events and acted as coordinator for many events that were organized in her college. She tries to share her experiences and promote the entrepreneurial spirit to her peers to help them to step out of their comfort zones by transforming their imagination into action. She enjoys learning how to address global issues through entrepreneurship and innovative thinking. She believes that students can change the world, so she joined UIF. If the hidden talents of students are utilized in an innovative and creative way, the world transforms into a better place to live in. While Himabindu has free time apart from work in school, you can find her catching up on mentoring, playing with kids, gardening as she is a nature lover and she is an NSSvolunteer in MITS.

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Fellows  Fall 2k19:








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     Change Story- Fall 2019

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