Priorities:Universidad de Ingenieria Student Priorities

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UTEC Student Priorities

The purpose of this Wiki is to show the key strategies that fellows at UTEC are taking into consideration to get their job done successfully.

Cohort 2024

Strategy #1: Project Fair.

Project Name: BioInnovation Fair

Project Leader: Alexandra Cueva

Key Tactics

  • Give students a physical space to showcase their bioengineering projects
  • Motivate students to use biodesign to create more innovative projects

Strategy #2: Hackathons & UTEC Talks - Boost innovation and motivation by combining hands-on hackathons with inspiring talks.

Project Name: Tecnnovate: Hack to inspire

Project Leader: Josué Arriaga

Key Tactics

  • Engage early with students necessity
  • Strategic partnerships (UTEC Ventures, Companies)
  • Define a growth strategy

Strategy #3: Creating an enjoyable space for students to start immersing organically into I&E knowledge

Project Name: Forget About Learning!

Project Leader: Sofia Giuca

Key Tactics

  • Deep research and understanding of previous student motivation from last programs and getting together with early year students of various majors to identify expectations
  • Content Creation (which is not the project but is key to our success)
  • Classroom & Program Awareness (Part of the communication strategy)
  • Identify activities they get to do with their friends

Cohort 2023

Strategy #1: Developing a website that encompasses all extracurricular activities, resources, and announcements (sports, startups, students organizations)

Project Name: UTEC Skill connect

Project Leader: Camila Cornejo

Key Tactics

  • Collaborate with the Computer Science department
  • Achieving the gathering of all activities in an organized manner, without overwhelming with information
  • Promote the website with the UTEC community
  • Making the website intuitive

Strategy #2: Developing a program designed to educate students on essential concepts and resources required to launch a company from scratch.

Project Name: LaunchPoint

Project Leader: Deyaneira Anyaco

Key Tactics

  • Research the topics to be taught in the program
  • Collaborate with UTEC Ventures
  • Improve the "Future Founders" program organized by UTEC Ventures with this new project.
  • Look for interested students who would like to help
  • Contact successful people and university professors who would like to give workshops
  • Seek incentives: extracurricular credits, certificates, workshops with meals
  • Organize workshops in open spaces

Strategy #3: Program aimed at training mentors responsible for introducing freshman students to study techniques, organization, and the use of the virtual campus

Project Name:The university success map

Project Leader: Ursula Ubillus

Key Tactics

  • Boost existing programs addressed to freshman students
  • Train volunteer mentors to effectively transmit information in a chain-like manner
  • Propose a syllabus for the program with key points for teaching freshman students
  • Make a survey to test the baseline of freshman students at the beginning and at the end of the program
  • Continuous feedback from freshman students to keep improving the introduction and induction programs for university life

Strategy #4: Create a program in which students can develop their creativity and innovation by helping the rural community.

Project Name: Empowering Minds

Project Leader: Rubith Correa

Key Tactics

  • Talk with scholarship students to know more about the problematics in their community.
  • Stablish a good communication with the staff of the university to help with tools of innovation.
  • The help of student welfare, to have resources for the project.
  • The motivation of students to solve the problematic of their community.
  •  The collaboration of students from different careers.

Cohort 2022

Strategy #1: Create an inverted project fair for students to present their ideas in order to get allies among UTEC students and professors.

Key Tactics

Fair Poster.png
  • Star a call for students who are looking for advisors and have projects in mind.
  • Arrange space according to the number of students registered.
  • Invite professors and students to go to the project fair.
  • Get materials for stands, posters and registration sheets.
  • Contact student organizations for filtering proposals.
  • Get material for pitch session on certain projects.
  • Get materials, space and people for the poster and pitch workshop.

Strategy #2: Generate a space for professors to share their experience, both personal and academic in order to inspire students

Key Tactics

  • Motivate teachers from careers to participate.
  • Reserve space on the auditorium.
  • Ask for help to design a mural on the auditorium.
  • Contact students that can help as supporters.
  • Give topics to teachers that can be interesting for students.
  • Train teachers in giving impactful presentations.
  • Arrange a Networking space area after the event with all attendees (coffee break)

Strategy #3: Create a platform where all professors, engineering faculty, HACS, business faculty, full- and part time, upload their interest so students can find allies for future projects

Key Tactics

  • Establish alliances for promoting the website (student organizations and "Comunicaciones UTEC")
  • Make short videos explaining how the site works
  • Present the project to each one of the career directors
  • Add the website link to the official UTEC website
  • Contact students that can help as technical support
  • Invite professors and students to use and promote the website.

Strategy #4: Redesign a classroom at UTEC for HACS classes only so students and professors can experience this classes in a better way

Key Tactics

  • Determine the needs of professors and student for the HACS classes.
  • Set Up a Budget for the implementation of the different needs.
  • Find a space available at UTEC so we can reuse it and redesign it for this purpose.
  • Get training for students and professors about the new space.

Cohort 2021

Strategy #1: Creating new ways to encourage students to be active participants in their school

Student Life at UTEC prototype.jpg

Project Name: Student Life at UTEC

Project Leader: Mia Townsend

Key Tactics

  • Create an Instagram account which consistently posts updates about every school event aimed at students.
  • Record and evaluate the number of students that interact with the posts (likes, comments, shares, saves)
  • Organize different students and organizations to share the account and help us keep up with information.
  • Have a team of students to administrate the account and make changes as we gain new insights.
  • Make the account more interactive by using the instagram features to let students actively participate.

Strategy #2: Give students the opportunity to be part of UTEC's Research Centres in order to make real their invents

Project Name: Ad Astra Program

Ad Astra.png

Project Leader: Macarena Oyague, Grecia Delgado

Key Tactics

  • Develop bases for the program
  • Search for experimented students to become mentors of the program
  • Get an alliance with the area of UTEC in charge of pursuing key partnerships with companies in order to help students to get sponsorship for their projects
  • Get an alliance with the legal area in order to give advice in the program about patents
  • Have conversations with UTEC Research Area to give the UIF team the opportunity to lunch a pilot with a Research Centre
  • Get an alliance with UTEC Ventures in order to help in tech transfer when the project is finished

Strategy #3: A space that allows bioengineering and chemistry engineering students to develop an entrepreneurship with a scientific research project

R2B (Research to Business).png

Project Name: R2B: Research to business

Project Leader: Nadia Chamana

Key Tactics

  • Show a prototype of how the use process including times and people involved
  • Make a prototype of more fidelity to show measurements, list of equipment and security measures
  • Especify the name of the mentors and the other people in charge
  • Introduce an option for hybridize it: virtual and in person
  • Contact with different stakeholders involved
  • Contact with more people with similar initiatives

Cohort 2020

Strategy #1: Making mobile, inspiring and comfortable spaces to innovate

Project Name: Design Lab: Mobile and Physical

Design Lab physical space

Project Leaders: Marcela Yeckle

Key Tactics

  • Create a 3D Desing where people can see in a better way the dimensions and the objects in the room.
  • Map the number of students that would be interested in entering the room.
  • Considering this room as a place to booked in UTEC webiste.
  • Make a DesignLab Mobile version, to make every space a place to ideate ideas.

Design of the physical space: Video


  • October 2021: The Design Lab changed their physical and mobile model into a virtual model (web page). Also Design Lab changed its name to La Innovadora.
  • December 2021 - March 2022: Development of the web page and organization of focus groups with UTEC students to show them our prototype.
  • March 2022 - Now: Organization of events and activities that promotes the meaning of La Innovadora while the UIF UTEC Team (Marcela Yeckle, Mirella Rivas & Thalia Leyton) finishes the design of the web page.

Strategy #2: Give students the key tools to learn how to make an entrepreneurship from scratch by learning

Project Name: Saphi (this mean "Origin" or "Root" in Quechua)

Saphi's website, our third prototype

Project Leader: Mirella Rivas

Key Tactics

  • Contact well known innovation teachers, UV mentors as well as past Fellows to volunteer and help guide the program.
  • Design the criteria to select candidates and amount of candidates for the first program.
  • Create the syllabus of what will be taught in the sessions.
  • Map students who would like to learn by making media campaign to motivate students to try.
  • Book a classroom in summer break for the program to be held for 7 weeks.

Prototype Website Application Portal: Website


  • June 2021: Our first workshop was on March 27th, and it was aimed to teach fellow students to identify real needs within the COVID pandemic, understanding users and learning to hear them, so that later on they could propose solutions. The complete program will be launched in August 2021. First Workshop: Flyer
  • August 2021: Our winter break program was successfull. We had an average of 35 students attending the 4 sessions program, and recieved great feedback for our next program to be launched on our summerbreak at the beginning of 2022.
  • March 2022: We designed a Summit called "UIWeek" in which UTEC students could learn about how to innovate and undertake in STEM careers.

Strategy #3:Teach students how to transform their laboratory inventions into successful innovations available in the market.

Project Name: Technology transfer and commercialization (Elective course)

Tech transfer pilot program cover.

Project Leader: Thalía Leyton

Key Tactics

  • Prepare the course program
  • Train potential UTEC professors or hire a new professor.
  • Present the course to SUNEDU (National Superintendency of Higher University Education in Peru).
  • Determine course capacity based on pre-enrollment and available resources.
  • Launch the course for students to enroll.

June 2021 Update: During 2021 we have collaborated with the Academic Projects area and we are about to start an intensive one-month workshop that will serve as our pilot program. This workshop will be given in June to UTEC students qualified to take their "Real Life Experience" (RLE) course. We hope that with this workshop, they can take better advantage of the projects they do during their RLE.

Cohort 2018

Strategy #1: Opportunities for developing startups (tech transfer)  

Project Name: D. Ventures

Project Leader: Luana Andrade

Key Tactics

  • Enhancing students to be aware of entrepreneurship and innovation (I&E).
  • Look for motivated students focused on developing new products or startups.
  • Teaching design methodologies in other courses .
  • UTEC Ventures or FABLAB UTEC as  innovation spaces for students .

Strategy #2: Giving students a prototyping space

Project Name: UTEC Lean Lab

Project Leader: Elmer Escandón

Key Tactics

  • Provide challenges to students in order to use the area .
  • Restrict the use only for innovation purposes .
  • Free area for students and professors.
  • Foster students’ abilities to design solutions and creative confidence by providing mentors only for this area.

Strategy #3: Facilitating project groups

Project Name: UTEC Mix n’ Match

Project Leader: Francisco Mejía

Key Tactics

  • Online platform inside the UTEC intranet that generates interest groups based on students’ academic preferences.
  • Groups generated by this platform should be capable of presenting their own projects.
  • Interests used by this platform are not strictly academic, the requisite is that an interest must be project-worthy.

Strategy #4: Entrepreneurship consulting

Project Name: Innovation Consulting

Project Leaders:  Kiko Mayorga and Joana Munarriz

Key Tactics

  • Map the outstanding students in the research field (Ricardo Gonzáles, Danae Chipoco) and innovation methodologies (Diego Muñoz, Hans Figueroa, Sandra Abad).
  • Volunteer alumni and senior professors able to mentor and advise students in their projects
  • Register projects from innovation courses, I&E groups, VLI (Interdisciplinary Projects) and research laboratories in UTEC.

Fellows involved

Universidad de Ingeniería & Tecnología (UTEC)

UTEC Students Priorities

Change Story Video:

University Innovation Fellows

Spring 2016:

Danae Chipoco Haro

Hans Figueroa Guaylupo

Alvaro Ludowieg Rios

Sebastián Hurtado Hidalgo

Fall 2017:

Camila Maura

Ariane Ernandorena

Gonzalo Vidaurrrazaga

Diego Muñoz

Fall 2018:

Raúl Escandón

Luana Andrade

Francisco Mejía

Fall 2020:

Marcela Yeckle

Mirella Rivas

Thalía Leyton

Valeria Aguayo

Fall 2023:

Rubith Correa

Deyaneira Anyaco

Ursula Ubillus

Camila Cornejo

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