Fellow:Radhika Kapoor

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Radhika Kapoor
School (Cohort)
University of Twente (2021 cohort)
MSc Interaction Technology


Radhika is an enthusiastic and curious individual who currently works as an innovation consultant for a biotech company. She completed her education with the master's program in Interaction Technology at the University of Twente. Born in the UK, raised in Switzerland, and now pursuing higher education in the Netherlands, she has been exposed to diverse cultures and greatly values team diversity.

Passionate about accessible, high-quality education, especially in developing countries, Radhika recently traveled to Kenya to help build school infrastructure in the Kibera slums using low-cost materials, while also advocating for gender equality.

Radhika's commitment to education and social issues extends to her university life. For the University Innovation Fellows (UIF), she created and led a three-week workshop on design thinking for sustainability on campus. Additionally, she co-created a workshop addressing sexual harassment and assault for over 40 associations on campus.

During her minor, she attended RMIT in Australia, studying Spanish, Graphic Design, Electronic Circuits, and Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering. Radhika is always eager to diversify her skill set whenever possible.

As a member of WOT, a student organization that designs and tests extremely affordable technologies for use in developing countries, Radhika thrives on practical projects. Whether building or breaking, she is a valuable addition to any team.


- Hardware Engineer: University Drone Team

- Percussionist: University Production of West Side Story

- Documentary Film: Women in India: Emancipation through Education

- Firefighter

Social media profiles

Instagram: @b0enkerh34d

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