Fellow:Can Erel

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Can Erel is a University Innovation Fellows Candidate at the University of Twente, Netherlands. On his final year of Creative Technology, Can is bringing interactive technology and architectural design to tell untold stories with the aim of making people see themselves and things around them in a different light.  Despite having cultural issues early on, Can now uses his Turkish background to better understand social issues and complexities of life.

Having a background in various fields, Can aims to collaborate with professionals from various backgrounds to find new ways to create new realities as art installations. Experiencing limitations in the past, Can is trying to use his newfound confidence to inspire people to do what they do best and realize their potentials. He is a member of the maker community and feels energized by collaborating and prototyping with creative people. His dream is to expand this sense of making to his University, and he is taking active steps to bring local issues to students' education. 

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University of Twente Website

University of Twente Wiki

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