Fellow:Brianna Pearson

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Brianna Pearson
School (Cohort)
University of North Florida (2024 cohort)
Majoring in
Fine Arts
The United States of America


Brianna Pearson is a 21-year-old born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida. Currently, Brianna is a senior at the University of North Florida (UNF). Her major is in Fine Arts with a focus on painting, drawing, and printmaking. Throughout high school, her focus was originally on marching/concert band, where she played the clarinet. However, she steered away from music when it came to her decision to choose her major. When she was younger, art was one of many things she had a passion for to this day. She knew she wanted to do something with her life related to creating works of art.

    After graduating high school, Brianna realized music was what she loved to do for fun only because of the amazing environment of her friends and her amazing teacher, but it was not something she saw herself doing in the long run. Don't get her wrong, she is a creator, so she still loves making music with her instrument, but she realized her love for 2D art was a little stronger, especially after a talk with her mom. She reminded her of a time when Brianna was a kid and she would tell her she wanted to teach kids art. Once Brianna sat to herself, she decided to learn more about art in depth by majoring in it. During the summertime, she works as an arts and crafts instructor. The more she works at the summer camp, the more it shows her that teaching art is something she wants to move forward with and pursue in the future.
     After college, she wants to attend graduate school to further her art education and later become a full-time art teacher while still creating art on the side of her teaching. Brianna Pearson's goal is to create change by increasing the diversity shown within the art community. She wants to express and celebrate black empowerment through her art, which is something she didn't see much of growing up. Another goal of hers is to instill a love of art in kids at a young age and for all of them to see themselves in the world of art.


Brianna Pearson graduated from Englewood High School in Jacksonville, Florida in 2021 with a 3.5 GPA. While she was there, she was a part of the National Honor Society and a program called Trio where they helped her prepare for college by giving her academic advice as well as college tours of many different colleges. Today in 2024, she is a part of the Hicks Honors College at her school the University of North Florida (UNF) where they teach her and the others part of the program about diversity and how to be career ready. Brianna has also had one of her paintings chosen by the artist Isaac Duncan III to be featured in a Juried Art Exhibition at the UNF Gallery in 2023.

Social media profiles

Facebook: Brianna Pearson Instagram: @pearsonbrianna

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