Fellow:Abhinav Addagatla

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Abhinav Addagatla
School (Cohort)
Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology (2023 cohort)
Majoring in
Computer Science and Engineering


Abhinav Addagatla, affectionately known as Bobby to his friends and family, was born in October 2002. He completed his schooling at St Mary's English Medium High School and his intermediate studies at Matrix Junior College in Guntur. Abhinav is currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science and Engineering at Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, India.

As Abhinav progressed through his schooling, he not only excelled academically but also became actively involved in extracurricular activities. These experiences helped him to develop into a well rounded individual, fostering both his academics and social skills.

One day, Abhinav yearned for a new experience, and the idea of acting in a play sparked his interest. Thus, he decided to participate in a play on Theater Day. He found a secret talent he didn't even know about until he joined the Theater Day celebrations. The play went so well that it won the second prize in the competition. People in the audience clapped and cheered loudly because they loved what he did on stage.

Abhinav's journey as an artist began at a young age when he discovered his fascination for the art of writing. Even as a child, he had a unique way of creating letters and symbols that caught the eye of anyone who saw his work. As Abhinav grew older, he explored deeper into the world of calligraphy. He spent countless hours practicing and perfecting his skills. Abhinav has a unique talent for italic calligraphy, a style known for its beautiful and flowing lines. And his artistic path did not end with italic calligraphy, he also explored in gothic calligraphy.

Abhinav is a true lover of life's joys. Movies, music, and travel are his heart's delight. He adores watching films, grooving to tunes, and exploring the world. Abhinav's life is a beautiful blend of these passions, making every day an adventure worth living to the fullest!

Abhinav's life is a canvas painted with three vivid dreams. Each dream is a unique brushstroke, shaping his extraordinary journey. Abhinav's first dream is to visit all the world's wonders. He's a modern-day adventurer. His second dream is to become a movie director. But not just any director, he aspires to make films that change lives. He believes that cinema has the power to shape the world. His third dream revolves around food. He aims to start a cloud kitchen business, bringing global flavors to local plates.

Guided by the mantra 'Live every day as if it's your last,' Abhinav perpetually seeks to savor each moment, chase his dreams, and cherish every experience.


Social media profiles

Email: abhinav.addagatla2002@gmail.com

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