Fellow:Tyler Jenkins
Tyler Jenkins is from Ozark, Missouri where he attenend the local high school, Ozark High. After graduating from Ozark High School in 2013, he went on to study at the Missouri University of Science and Technology were he is currently a junior working on attaining his Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems and Technology. He is currently the Public Relations Division Lead Officer for the universities' Robotics Design Team helping to organize many of their event and is currently working on organizing a Bowling Club for the school. He has also spent 3 semesters on a local Residence Hall committee as a student governor. His interests include innnovation, helping others have fun, and bowling.
If you wish to conntact Tyler, you can do so by emailing him at: jenkins.tyler.r@gmail.com
or connecting with him on LinkedIn here
Related Links
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Missouri University of Science and Technology Student Priorities
University Innovation Fellows
Spring 2016:
Fall 2015:
Spring 2015: