Priorities:Tohoku University Student Priorities

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Make it easier for international students to participate in club activities (2023~)


I am a member of the swimming club. One day, a foreign student came to our practice place and told us in kattered Japanese that he wanted to join the swimming club. At that time, the club's policy was not to accept him. I will never forget the sad look on his face.


Tohoku University has fewer international students who belong to club activities than other universities. According to university rules, international students are allowed to belong to club activities. However, in reality, many club activities do not accept international students. We believe this is because Japanese students try to avoid trouble in English communication in order to concentrate on club activities.


Communication support for both international and Japanese students and admission support for international students

More understanding about LGBTQ+ in Tohoku University


We found that it’s difficult to talk about LGBTQ+ openly in Tohoku University because they usually hesitate to discuss such topic and the circle which is related to it hasn’t been enough famous yet.


Collaborating with the circle called AROW and one of the organisations called Sendai Midori to kaze no kai, which does many activities for making more comfortable environment for People who have sexual minorities.


People who want to proceed the understanding of LGBTQ+ and people who are still not familiar with it.

Addressing Financial Strain in University Sports Clubs: The Proposal for Incorporation


One significant challenge faced by the university's sports clubs, particularly the Athletic Department within the Student Association, is the substantial financial burden placed on its members. In some cases, the annual expenses associated with club activities exceed the cost of tuition itself. This issue is multi-faceted, with underlying problems such as waning popularity of sports, exorbitant sports-related costs, university funding concerns, and a diminishing connection with the local community.


The primary challenge is the considerable economic strain experienced by students participating in university sports clubs. This strain not only affects their academic pursuits but also limits their access to sports activities, impacting their overall university experience and well-being.


The central focus of these organizations will be to engage students interested in sports education and management, thereby creating a sustainable and financially accessible environment for all members, including those facing economic difficulties.

Effective use of Tohoku University offcial IG account


At Tohoku University, it can be difficult to get information sometimes. This is due to the fact that the portal site is difficult to use and information is dispersed in many different places. To solve these problems, we propose a project to effectively operate Tohoku University's official Instagram account. Since the account is currently only in English and is not well known by students, we will add content to the account to increase awareness.


We will create another university account and upload content that will be noticed by students. Examples include interviews with international students and photos of the university in collaboration with the Tohoku University Photography Club.


Tohoku University student, people who are interested in Tohoku University.

Humor in the Margins of Tohoku University


Tohoku University has a variety of support and systems for international exchange and the development of global human resources. In recognition of these, the university was also selected as a University of International Excellence. However, according to interviews with international students, we learned that international students perceive Japanese students as not actively trying to use English, not trying to understand the efforts of international students, and not speaking to them voluntarily. Interviews with student leaders of international exchange groups provided insight that Japanese students at Tohoku University are often hesitant to use English for fear of failure. Also, according to several professors, we learned that many students tend to wait to see what is going on around them before speaking up. Society often regarded Tohoku University students as "serious”. As a result of these findings, we thought it was important to improve the positive attitude of expression among Tohoku University students.


There are many underutilized margins on Tohoku University's campus. For example, the stairs in front of the station directly connected to the university (Tohoku University has no gate), and lawns all over campus. By using these spaces, we can pioneer and create unique events and devices to stimulate the creativity and sense of humor that other students have. And the students themselves will be able to freely express their own sensibilities. Our challenge is to create a campus where people can think, "What interesting things await me at the university today?" and "How can I entertain everyone today?"


Tohoku University student, people who hesitant to express themselves.

Online Suggestion Box


Based on the interviews with the students in Tohoku University, there were times when the university failed to fully understand what met students’ needs and held seminars that were less attractive to them. In order to benefit both the university and the students, we would like to set up an online suggestion box to collect students’ opinions on what kind of events and contents they want. The university can then make adjustments and organize events according to the students’ voice.


How to collect the data we need may be one problem. We have to first decide on what platform to use. Then in the try-out stage, after attending seminars, students are asked about the ideal events they want to join in the future. The data collected will be analyzed and sent to the faculty as a way to improve attendance.


Students who want to explore more other than topics of general academia and have a deeper insight into the field they are passionate about. Faculty that wants to attract more students to come to an event.

Career confidence


After entering college, I am confused about my choice of department and major. It seems natural that students are interested in what they want to study, and that they cannot change their choices later on. However, when we survey students, we find that they all experience the feeling of "I don't know what I want to do. This feeling does not mean that there is nothing they really want to do, but rather that they do not know how to make choices in the face of rapidly changing interests when they imagine their future career path, major, and employment options, and that they are anxious about not knowing why they cannot make those choices. On the other hand, there were many comments such as "I want to be in a new environment" and "I want to be able to see things from different perspectives," and students are searching for both past and future choices.


According to the Career Development Assessment and Counseling model's readiness for career decision-making, when people make choices, they need to: know their options, have a plan, know themselves When we make a choice, we need to be able to: know our options, have a plan, know ourselves, have the ability to gather information, and have the ability to make a decision. We wanted to help in these two areas, knowing one's options and knowing oneself, by changing the environment rather than depending on the student's ability.


Students who are not confident in their chosen department or are interested in other departments. Students who think there is nothing they want to do.

Campus Retreat (2022~)


As far as we interviewed with students in Tohoku University, we found that there are certainly some students who have a sense of disconnectedness with friends and families particularly for international students. Also we met students who have a vague and continuous concern for their future. At the same time, we lost time just for random conversation with friends as Covid damped every offline class. And we realized there are not many opportunities to get to know each other as deeply as we understand their background and personality. As a result, I came up with up an idea of creating an environments for them to speak up what they want to share and to be around other who can empathy themselves, as well as they have a break time with tea.


Obviously it is hard to make them speak up what they want to share with totally strangers. This is the most difficult part when we are going to get others engage with us. But it is fun to break that. We start small and think big to make Aobayama campus innovative but supportive. The thing we are going to do is to set up weekly retreat for trials and eventually it becomes monthly events. An other challenge in the face of us is what make them feel I-river at home. In the future, this place should be a place where students can have a multicultural conversation with others. We should start with small number of peoples as well as investigating what the really need is.


We are targeting students who study at Aobayama campus in Tohoku University. There are lots of international students and many of them are busy with their academic works. So we would like to set up places they can stay away from their work and have a little fun with others who have same senses.

Reinvented Design Workshop


Design Thinking has not been adopted by general students at Tohoku University. Some students might not even know what it is. After analyzing the campus, we found that students in the university also seek more events where they can establish connections. Therefore, we came up with this event to let students know about others while experiencing some parts of Design Thinking.


Let students of any background know and, ultimately, familiarize themselves with the use of design thinking. Meanwhile, we must make sure that the event is made comfortable so that people can socialize. Finally, we are to make everyone find design thinking useful in their projects.


Students of any background, special attention to active students who regularly seek activities to join. Another target is a teacher that wants to introduce design thinking activities to his or her students; that can be applicable to laboratory professors who want to use a design thinking session for their research work.

Amplifying global outreach and productivity by the Virtual University


As a result of the pandemic, many students miss the opportunities to engage in classes like they used to. Even some students are still stuck in their countries despite having already gone through the first year of study. This situation induces immense stress and fatigue in them and thus gradually limited their willpower and motivation during the day. In addition, The university sticks to the traditional (?) Zoom and Google meet when holding classes and events, including ones that consist of students from abroad. The old-school way of video conferences does not promote proper discussions. After the session ends, the meeting closes, everyone went on their way, and actually very few have their conversation continued. From all these problems, we think that the education system can be made more fun and less mind-taxing to both students and faculty to counter the burdens of the pandemic and further create a sustainable environment and ecosystem in the long run.


We have a plan to use existing tools and innovations to enhance the working, learning, and conferencing environment for students and faculties and combine them into one big space that all of them can join at the same time, from their homes.


All students and faculty members, especially those who are learning or teaching online, either in Japan or abroad. This can be further extended to include students from other universities and overseas to join in events, and joint classes held in the virtual university.

Portal site as a wholistic information source


Even though our university provides vast kind of learning opportunities such as programs, classes, competition, Those information exist flagrantly . Students are passionated to take any action but they wonder where and how they are able to work on. On the contrary, students who already completed such kinds of activities do not have any place to output their valuable experience. If we are able to connect "beginner" : students who are looking for the chance, and "alumni" :students who have experience, it will be inclusion and innovation.


Phase 1 create the place

To create the website as platform, we plan to organize a web design contest. The winner gain the opportunity to create actual website as our platform site.

Phase 2 collect information

We ask juniors and seniors and Masters to give comment about their experience, evaluation of activities. About institution side, we ask each department office to provide information .

Phase 3 SNS advertise

Through SNS, advertise to students who are looking for something exciting, especially freshman and sophomores


All students who want to tackle new things but they do not reach out enough resources to make their plans.


Match the executor with the plan


The results of interviews show us that Tohoku University students who want to contribute to Tohoku University are decreasing as the school year progresses. So, I want to make more people who are in Tohoku University like it and feel we belong to it. Therefore, I suggest that A lot of plans that are proposed and discarded and students that want to do something new match. By this, we can make Tohoku University growing with students.


A lot of plans and executors match


All people who are in Tohoku University

Innovation hub I-River(2021~)


At Tohoku University, there are students who are motivated but have given up trying for some reasons, such as "I want to do something, but I don't have any ideas" or "I have something I want to do, but I don't have any friends and there are not enough supports. In addition, the culture of design thinking has not taken root among Japanese students, and there seems to be a resistance to updating a single thing or idea by incorporating outside opinions and rethinking it repeatedly. As a result, each idea often ends up being a personal satisfaction, and not an idea that is generally recognized as useful. There is a need to incorporate design thinking as a way to transform individual ideas into projects beneficial for society.


We will build a network that can connect and help the students mentioned above. In addition, we will establish a culture in Tohoku University where design thinking is used on a daily basis.


Student organization leaders (first stage), all Tohoku University students (final stage)

Increase awareness with Design thinking demo workshop for students


As mentioned above, the culture of using Design Thinking has not taken root at Tohoku University. In order for students to be able to apply Design Thinking to their own activities without resistance, we need to promote Design Thinking not only to the current leaders but also to freshmen and students who are starting new projects. However, since design thinking is not being taught to all students in the current curricula, we need opportunities to make them aware of its necessity and effectiveness.


Promote the necessary and effective use of design thinking to first-year students and those who are starting a new project, either from entrepreneurship classes or purely from their interests.


First-year students and those who are starting a new project are the main goals to achieve. Exposing young students to design thinking mindset will generate a positive wave of impact throughout their 4-year journey.