Fellow:Pricilla Ruly
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hello,welcome to my wiki page!!
here i am writing about my own journey,experience,and share about things that i've got so far and so on:)
known as Pricilla Ruly,born in Jakarta,April 4th 2001.
I have alot of short-called for myself,depending on your own language itself.
livin' in 20's is a challenge ahead that i should've face on.
i lived in such a lovely and full of loves from my parents,not an opulent just a normally girl who is growing and exploring about herself in this world.
i am the only child and i don't have any siblings to rely on.so, that's why i have both young and old side to balance my ownself to fight and go ahead to chase my own future.
since i was little,i am a talkactive one,with a bunch of questions in my head,i grew switfly than my friends.
i love to learn,share,and get new things in every moments. i don't have any basic in Technology from my parents but i built it from a little to many. get into the tech communities in Vocational School called "Nevtic" and went into intership for 3 months at "Jetcoms Netindo Bogor" as network administrator. and be the vice student to student exchange with several nations like Thailand and Korean.
at the University,i have my own experience and being a family on LPUG ( Lembaga Pengembangan Universitas Gunadarma ) as a lab assistant in Cisco,SAP,Oracle.
i do loves to find a new things in tech or get into the automotive side and have interested for both of them. i do loves music and get several achievements from it, don't talk too much about my own ability but God shows them all and give me chance to get my own red carpet.
i can sing and play instruments and wishing that i can give my best performance soon in a big area or occasion in abroad. i do loves and adore my passion to encourage myself and to bring some changes.
my ENTJ-A character brings me up to explore and things goes up and more. i am passionate,multitask,talking more than 3 language and want to adding more language.
i do have alot of friends from around the world based on my deep purpose to chanelling with them no matter what,where or who they are.
i have a terrible kind of equality that happened in my enviroment,about a woman or a non-wealthy could not be able to grow normally or even find their right for bright future and totally dragging in.
i will show and prove the denier that i can stand out without any hesitate and keep going on no matter how hard they're trying to,like the air i will raise.
the equality of rights is my main problem for this era even it is hard to remove all of the diversity at least i can help to make a better way.
if they can be a boss,so do i.
remember there is always a criminal undercover so be aware and stay humble to be a great savior.
my own quote is:
technology and language are your swords,only you can decided for what it is used for
have a great day fellows !! :)
stay safe ! :)
Cisco Networking Academy transforms the lives of learners, educators and communities through the power of technology, education and career opportunities. get a certificate in CCNA Routing and Switching : Introduction to Networks (2019).
To advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, research and related services. Our products and services measure knowledge and skills, promote learning and performance, and support education and professional development for all people worldwide. get a certificate for English Skills and Language (2018).
- Event Lintasarta Developer Talk Online Series #3 - Boost Android App using Android Jetpack (2020)
- Event Lintasarta Developer Talk Online Series #4 - Best Practices and Lessons Learned as a Developer (2020).
- LPUG(Lembaga Pengembangan Universitas Gunadarma (2020-then).
- 2019 Study in Korea fair in Indonesia located in Jakarta Convention Center.
- Study in Gyeonggi,Korea.2019.
located in Victory Ballroom,Ciputra Hotel,Jakarta.
located in Bogor.
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Related Link <https://universityinnovation.org/wiki/Category:Universitas_Gunadarma />
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