Fellow:Ng Tsz Chung, Simon

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Ng Tsz Chung, Simon
School (Cohort)
Hong Kong Baptist University (2023 cohort)
Majoring in
Hong Kong


Greetings! I am Simon, an inquisitive and intellectually driven individual with an insatiable thirst for knowledge across a wide range of subjects. I thrive on challenges and continuously seek avenues for personal and professional growth. I possess an indomitable spirit and perceive obstacles as stepping stones that propel me forward in my pursuit of excellence.

My aspirations lie in becoming an esteemed business leader who shapes the corporate landscape and generates a positive influence, especially in ESG. I actively pursue hands-on experiences and eagerly engage in learning opportunities to conquer the realm of business. Through unwavering diligence, unwavering commitment, and a mindset focused on continuous improvement, I am resolute in my determination to achieve my goals and leave an indelible mark.

I am elated to connect with individuals and foster meaningful relationships as we embark on this remarkable journey together.


- Mentor at GreenHack Challenge 2023

- Climate Action Ideation Award Scale-up Stage

- University Innovation Fellows Candidate (HKBU)

- Serve-cation 2022-2023 (Chiang Mai)

Social media profiles
