Fellow:Geronimo Perdomo

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Geronimo Perdomo
School (Cohort)
Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Salto-Punta del Este (2022 cohort)
Majoring in
Business and Economy


Geronimo Perdomo is a student at Catholic University of Uruguay, he is studying in his first year of the major in Business and Economy.

He is born, raised and currently living at a city called Punta del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay. Since he was a child is very interested about everything, askying everything about everything, art, cience, math, history, sports, etc, He consider that he is an a generalist.

Apart from that he is very apassionated from sports in general, along all his life he had practiced a lot of them and he still do a lot of sports, one of his favourite part of it is share good moments with friends.

He is always organizing acitivities, social events and more. He is very sociable for that he loves been always related to a lot of people of all the ages, nationalities, religions, etc.

For him is very important this UIF program because he considers that he will learn fundamental tools for his life, help a lot of people and for any entrepreneurship that he will do.


If he had to talk about his achievements, everyone talks about their achievements of their student life or their working life, he has a few of them but he wants to talk about this biggest achievement of his life that was help to his sister to go out of a mental illness called depression, nowadays he is very grateful with life because now she is okay, with a lot of help of him and of professionals and she beeing VERY strong, she was able to won to that horrible illness.

Social media profiles

The mail for contact him is: geronimoperdomo24@hotmail.com