Forum/What's your why

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A movement is comprised of people who are acting with a very strong sense of WHY that they can articulate. As a Fellow, you too, must develop a strong WHY in a way that inspires students and faculty to join the movement. You'll need to assert your opinion, based on your knowledge and experience as a consumer of education. You have an opinion about the way higher education must change in order to better serve you as you prepare for your future and the world of work. Your perspectives are unique to you, and your opinions should reflect your knowledge and experience interacting with fellow students, faculty, administration, alumni, businesses, regional partners and others.

1) Post your WHY - your deepest motivators in two paragraphs or less - in the discussion forum below by August 30th (the day of our orientation), OR

2) Comment on someone else's post in the same thread (no more than one paragraph) in a way that stimulates conversation and provides additional perspective.

Still Searching
A new model
My Why - Asking Why
Much needed reminder.
Another why
My Why
My Why
Help people's passion with your passion
My Why
My Why?
My Why
Taking the unorthodox path
Thinking On How Can I Be Part Of The Change...
Still discovering my "Why"
My Why
Don't be a superhero, Just BE there
An equal world..
Disability Access in Higher Education
My Why
Let's do open science
This is why
My Why
together for solutions
My why on the Climate Crisis
My why
Sharing is Caring
Creativity in Education
Leverage of student's potential and the right preparation to enter the real world
Higher Education should form Good Professionals, but also Good People
Collaboration across Disciplines
The Meanings of Education
Old orientation about education
Politics and Education
To make an impact
To Make a Difference
Why? Let me elaborate on that
My Why on Literacy
You are not alone
If not us, then who?
I love school, but not everyone does.
Disposing Disposable Culture
Digital Education
'Grades' are not everything
Believe in yourself.
Drop the rail and then, find WHY
Sharable Education
How We Learn + First Generation College Student

Still Searching

Raihan.badra (talkcontribs)

All my life, I've never really found a why that I stick with. I've tried to search deep within myself, but I've found that my why changes throughout every stage of my life. Whether it's my parent's approval, respect from peers or pure self interest. My why changes throughout every stage of my life but I think it's okay. I find that having many why's keep me from staying in the same place, to move around life and experience lots of things. Some why's are worth it and some turn out to be illusions.

Some why's that I found in life are as follows:

Family - My family is and will always be one of my biggest why's. They are the reason that I study and work hard, the reason I try to achieve things and they are the one of the core purposes of my being here on earth.

Friends - I had a hard time making friends growing up, and as I grew older I'm lucky to find many of them along the way. Some were genuine and a lot were false friends but I never regretted any of my friendships no matter how sad the ending.

Ego - I have a huge ego lol. I tend to push myself to be the absolute best and I have a competitive personality, so I refuse to stay in the same place while others advance in their lives.

These are my three main why's, I have a lot of them but those three are the main ones. I hope I can find more why's as I go through life.

Rakshya.chhety (talkcontribs)

Hi Raihan.badra, I really like the way you explained your "WHY" and how it changes throughout every stage of your life. Often, I also feel like I am in a similar place in my life when I am indecisive about things. My brain surpasses multiples thoughts/ideas which is why I also cannot be sure about my "WHY'S" in my life.

Rudizander14 (talkcontribs)

Hello Raihan.badra,

What you wrote really resonates with me! I find the question "what is your why?" to be the most challenging of questions because unlike some who can distinctly identify their "why" or a moment in time that drives their motivation, I find I also have many "whys" that contribute to motivation. Similarly to you, I've also found that my "why" changes as I experience different stages of life and/or the order of importance of my "whys" change. For example, when I was in my undergraduate program, I found that friends were probably the biggest driver of my motivation. However, friends are now further down the list of "whys" and family, etc. are closer to the top.

Have you found that the ordering of your "whys" has changed over time? Is so, in what way?

Thank you for this enlightening and relatable post!

Raihan.badra (talkcontribs)

Hi Rudi!

Yes of course. The order of my "whys" change too. Sometimes in the course of one day, sometimes they stay the same for one year. The order of my "whys" vary from each task. For exercising it's my ego that drives me, for my student organization work it's my friends and for my studies it's my family. Hbu? Does it vary with tasks too?

Sofiashalfonso (talkcontribs)

Hi Raihan!

I definitely agree with your post, I find it so hard to answer tihs question because I feel like I don't have the right answer or that it is never good enough. It´s good to find people that struggle with the same things.

Raihan.badra (talkcontribs)

Hi Sofia!

Yeah it's great to find people with common struggles. Sometimes it's really hard to define our why, even if we know deep down in our hearts, it's hard to put our "why" into words.

Charahigaki1 (talkcontribs)

Hi Raihan! I also resonate with this why, this was interestingly very similar to something that I resonate with. I believe it has to do with the developmental stages of life and all the changes that it brings, in terms of environment (e.g. work-life), ability to adapt to change. My biggest why is also my family, because they are the a part of my purpose and have a lot of influence on my life, and it brings me joy to make them proud.

Raihan.badra (talkcontribs)

Hi Chara! Yeah family is the best. Everything comes second to family though I can't help but be a bit selfish when pursuing personal goals or career goals. But then again I feel like my family would like me to follow my own goals as well.

Senna11690 (talkcontribs)

Hi Raihan, thanks for wrote this thread in this forum discussion, very relevant for me, and probably for many. In my journey I have a story similar to yours, I find it very difficult to find "what's my why". You know, it's like the question that always goes through my mind "why? why? why?" but, one day, my friends talked to me, "if someday you want to give up or leave everything that is stressing you out, feel free to stay for the little reasons in your life. Just like you would stay because you wanted to see the other people's smile, or you'll stay because even though it sucks, you've ever smiling here ." Then I realized, maybe why I find it hard to find "what's my why" because I'm always looking for big reasons, I never start with small reasons and what is close to myself. Since that day, I have decided, I will try to stay whatever will happen and start with small reasons, That's why, I think, I always have many reasons to become stronger and stronger, in every step of my life.

Danangwijaya750 (talkcontribs)

Hay senna, well, i do my live with in javanese it's called "LOOOSSS" or the meaning is I live my life with sincerity. But i also do the best for my live and if my targets are not accomplished i will do some evaluation and plan what i will do.

Raihan.badra (talkcontribs)

Hi Senna! That's great, I also feel the same. My why when I was in my teen years used to be like "stopping climate change" or "save the rainforest" but in the end of the day its the little things and the things that are dear to our heart that are the main drivers of our lives.

Rohithreddydesai03 (talkcontribs)

I belive in collabrative learning, because we can make a lot more progress as a team then as an individual beacause when people sit to together they share their ideas and one's con becomes others pro they share knowledge and insterd of sitting alone and working if we work as a team then the work load is divided and if we come across a barrier then we have people to help us out and all in all working as a team is way more enjoyable. and this is one of the main reasons why i am here in University innovation fellows because in UIF we learn to work as team, we build our leadership skills, we work on solutions for real life problems and we have a huge community to share our ideas, get some valabule insights and to work with.

Aishwaryaaishu3579 (talkcontribs)

yes,I even accept your points.I really like this idea.Collabrative learning will certainly helps the students to be more creative and productive. This will makes the peers to understand better and to perform more.This also enhance the individuals to interact with everyone and brings out a very good creativity skills.This will makes everyone as a family to discuss and learn freely. This will makes us to be unique and to explore differnt innovative thoughts,which helps in our higher education.

Spoorthikonkala (talkcontribs)

yeah,that's totally true.Team work gains more innovation and i too feel that being a part of this internation community helps us build personality and having a huge interactive circle.

Hailey.ellen.bixler (talkcontribs)

In our current education model, students are expected to either pass or fail their classes. This establishes the academic side as rigid and immovable - the classes are as they always have been, and the students must adjust to meet those expectations. But if we could create a system that worked the other way around - where the students weren't the ones expected to be flexible - students would be more engaged and less likely to burn out. I imagine a system where students do not "pass" or "fail", because everything they do is part of a continuous journey of learning. Where students' futures are not based on whether they have achieved rote memorization of a topic they may never use in their lifetime. In our current society, students are never going to be in a position where they must answer questions about a topic with absolutely no resources - so why is that our basis for whether they are ready to move on into the real world?

Chinmaiseshadri (talkcontribs)

AS a part of Indian Educational system I always wanted to change the way of our educational system ."A new model" is amazing which can bring a huge change in educational systems. AS we all know foundation plays a crucial role in building our career . I obey with the statement "Rote memorization of a topic they may never use in the lifetime" ,I wish to have a joyful learning space with no words like pass and fail.

My Why - Asking Why

Guptaa58 (talkcontribs)

I believe that life is more wonderful for the curious - and simultaneously more painful. When you unfailingly question the institutions, beliefs, and realities that surround you, you will not always come upon satisfying answers. Rational pursuit of these answers can be infuriating when it appears that those in charge are not so rational. My why is to ask why. As an engineer, as a philosopher, I question. Why is engineering education failing so many eager students? Why are innovation and project based learning so rare in hard science classes? Increasingly, I am starting to ask "why not". Why not push for more hands on work in every class? Why not require - and inspire - students to learn something outside the course curriculum and make them apply it? My name is Aatish Gupta, and at UIF I hope to turn my questions into action.

Dlgarza418 (talkcontribs)

Hello, I love your take on your why, questioning the very products of what we need to based of out why gives a good scope of the change that is to come in the future with the new generations questioning our Why in life, by breaking the barriers by asking why.

Pavithradinnemeeda (talkcontribs)

I totally agree with this information. Because now a days students are not a having proper planning about their future. If students are joining in engineering means that they should have interest on it and they should do extra work for themselves.

Much needed reminder.

Jadeharris1209 (talkcontribs)

Your "WHY" is truly the difference that ignites a person's drive and dedication. Without it there would not be passion or intention/ direction/ focus behind the things you accomplish. I fell victim to losing my why- the reason that makes all the obstacles and set backs worth it- by succumbing to stress, being overwhelmed and mentally exhausted. Without this direction and focus I lost stamina and did excel in my endeavors. However, I needed to be reminded of the ability to take hard work as a challenge to be conquered- and a challenge not defeated by, because in the end- it is for a purpose.

My why: I believe that the University Innovation Fellows, Architecture, Coaching and joining any other extra-curriculars/ internships will help me learn and develop which will equip me with the tools to make the world more environmentally conscious, politically literate, mentally sympathetic, understanding, accepting, fair, equitable, progressive, honorable, inclusive, and safe for my future family/ children. Part of this is my way of being able to provide my children with things that were not common for me growing up. Another part of my why has to do with wanting to be better, always evolving, never staying stagnant, shedding skin that is a boundary of comfortability- and nothing pays off/ is not the result of hard word if it is done in your comfort zone. I will also be a first generation college student which will be a huge accomplishment for my family as- hopefully- the beginning of a generational growth and awareness mindset. I have found that surrounding yourself with minds that same the same ideology tend to positively impact and develop a person, which is an effective environment to to raise growing children. I also genuinely care and want to address and change the state of the world. I became the most aware after taking an entry course for the AP CAPSTONE program- AP Human Geography. This class inspired me and made me passionate about solving numerous problems of the world which I plan to aid as an Architect.

Email.benpaulson (talkcontribs)

I love your compilation of everything that you're inspired to do/inspired by. You concentrated the feeling of improving the world, and how it requires you to crawl out of your shell to provoke that change in the world. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with this, and how encountering stress is a given but can be overcome. I hope your studies in architecture are going well too!

Manuelbuslon22 (talkcontribs)

It is quite difficult to define a single why, to tell a story and explain what I am passionate about. If I had to answer it now I couldn't give a definition that would last long, because whenever we meet someone that person transforms our why a little bit, lights that flame more or changes it. Since I was a child I was surprised by all that can be learned, what you can come to understand thanks to the work of others and the way in which they were educated, with this comes the disappointment of many for not being able to achieve what their peers or see the world differently, that in what they are good at does not serve. My reason is linked to that, I have the dream of creating something that everyone can enjoy learning and teaching others, that there is not only one source of truth and that anyone who wants to can teach what they know in the classroom, something closer to the world where they work where everyone is taught and learn at the same time, where everyone can grow and not only those who excel in a range of skills. I would like all those passions that exist in everyone to be able to be cultivated and become a reality without having to abandon them because they won't have a job with it.

Dlgarza418 (talkcontribs)

I've alwasy questioned what is my reason for setting goals for myself and why I perceive myself the way I do. The world itself is always changing, yet our primary source of structure which is higher education hasn't developed with the times. My why, for pursuing a higher education was never based off of geting a job straight out of college because like many others we know thats not a guarantee. I perceive my why to forming connections with people from around the world, conversing with them and learning something new, discussing topics that strike a project, to become knowledgable in more aspects than our education. Our intellectual beings are striving for a why, and my why is for myself to grow and learn as much about life alongside others.

Ifre3976 (talkcontribs)

I enjoy your WHY very much. I also agree with the concept of lifelong learning and that by traveling and forming connections with people of different cultures and beliefs, we can continually enhance our minds to a more global perspective.

Cglawson89 (talkcontribs)

I can definitely understand your WHY. I consider myself to be a life-long learner. Change is constant and where would we be if we didn't have change, in whatever facet that may be. Pursing higher education can always be a conduit to help educate others and pay it forward. You're building/creating a blueprint for yourself and your journey will be a testament that can help someone else navigate their collegiate career from academia into industry.

Ezekiel.mills3rd (talkcontribs)

Self-growth is something that is uncommon among people in current times. This is something that can strive us to never and greater heights. This is definitely a "WHY" I can relate to. Not only is it the kind of thought process that can lead to greater achievement individually, but also as a society.

Jothornton207 (talkcontribs)

At a young age, my biggest motivator for attending college was to have what society views as a successful life. I felt that if I majored in something that would grant me a lavish life, I would have no reason to worry. I figured a life with no worries would equate to happiness. Of course, my peers, administration, family, and friends enabled this mentality. School counselors enforced the importance of going to college to achieve a happy life full of success but never discussed how happiness should already be in you. I've now learned that you shouldn't rely on college to grant you a happy successful life. You should attend college to make connections, further your knowledge on what you enjoy learning, and create experiences in different clubs and organizations on campus. My motivator for attending college now is to work in the medical/health care field. I want to work in the medical/healthcare field to be a resource for others, be a comforting figure in a time of need, and grant people any form of happiness and relief.

Help people's passion with your passion

Sophiemarie.frohnwieser (talkcontribs)

For most people it is very hard to live their passion, because they feel like it is silly or ridiculous. But thats not true. Sometimes you just need to find someone who helps you to thrive in it. That's what I want to be able to do with my colleagues. With the passion me and the others live by, others can be motivated to do the same. Maybe you don't know what your passion is or how to express it correctly but that doesn't matter. I want to show people that you just need to try and experiment to get to know themselves and their passion. We passion we can move the world in a better place.

Kellyreyn24 (talkcontribs)

I really like this idea. I think there are so many people that are afraid to express their true passions from the fear of being judged. I believe when someone's dreams or goals don't follow the conventional path, many people doubt it or try to talk them out of it. Everyone has different skillsets and dreams, so I think encouraging those passions is really great.

Cnf2500 (talkcontribs)

I really appreciate this post. It is quite the noble gesture to encourage someone to pursue their passion. In the midst of insurmountable prejudice, anxiety, and stress, words of inspiration and motivation maintain a premium value.

Marissabd05 (talkcontribs)

I love that you are willing to be vulnerable and express your passion and inspire others to do the same.

Jennifer.puglisi23 (talkcontribs)

I loved this post because I think throughout college it is easy to get caught up in pursuing a major you believe will bring wealth and prosperity over happiness. I want to advocate for students to follow their passions and try to find a balance in life.

Haindavi9317 (talkcontribs)

It is very difficult to work for your passion. If the passion we choose is idiosyncrasy with society, we back step a little. But it would reach to apex if we succeed in our passion by tackling all the struggles. Our success will remain a good mark for people who are choosing the same profession.

"Be passionate towards your passion retain success by overcoming all the drawbacks"

Ezentner032 (talkcontribs)

I love this post!! I agree with everything said in this thread, and I also feel like it's easy to get caught up studying something due to the pressure of your family or others around you. It's so important that students follow their passions and don't end up doing something for others instead of for themselves.

Bmouraopacheco (talkcontribs)

I appreciate your honesty. I too have experienced many of your thoughts and I believe one's passion may sometimes not be set in stone. People can change and search for newer things to try...were are never truly bounded to any one thing. Quite the opposite it is one of humanity's many beauties that were are able to have the free will to choose and be conscious of changing our lifestyle and trying new things.

Timotiushaniel (talkcontribs)

I really love your thread! We need to help people and our life need to be a blessed for people.. It's not an easy journey but once we get there, I believe that we will create impacts for other's life that also lead to be another impacts for many people out there!

Nhwinkler (talkcontribs)

This thread is amazing! People may face obstacles that prevent them from pursuing their life's passion. They may be able to attain it with the aid of others and by speaking up about what they are passionate about. Hopefully, UIF will inspire us to find new ways to follow our own passions!

Keerthanananduri2001 (talkcontribs)

This is an amazing thought I should say! Not always we are strong individually. Passion requires thorough understanding of what one exactly wants to do. Having a person with similar thoughts and passion would really help find the way. Also, people may stop pursuing their passion because of family issues or other personal reasons. It will be a great help if we can support them and guide them.

Ju.foellmer (talkcontribs)

I love your comment on how you say that when we live our passion and believe in it no matter how silly in somebody else's eyes it is, then we can influence people to follow theirs. For me it is sometimes hard to clearly define what exactly my passion is and to break it down to a few words. What is it that I am most passionate about in life? And how am I able to make my passion my Number One in life? I know that I can energize people with my positive energy and this makes me extremely happy, however I still need to discover how I can use this skill and connect it to things that I love and I am passionate about.

Aoyama.atsushi.s2 (talkcontribs)

I love your post! Passion evokes other passion. My passion comes from what my friend does something positively and enjoy it. We should get ready to share your passion and feel others passions easily. One of such space is here! I want create it at my university.

Kristenbannerman452 (talkcontribs)

I couldn't agree with you more ! It truly takes a village to help one discover their passion.

Wynellgilbert (talkcontribs)

I like your thought process. So many are driven by other peoples passion and fail to thrive in their own. As a parent I am learning through my sons the importance of letting go and allowing them to following their dreams. It can be difficult because by nature, most parents still feel the need to be in control which often impedes on a child's growth.

Kristenbannerman452 (talkcontribs)

As a young inexperienced child, my WHY for attending university or pursuing some form of higher education was very simple, and that was to obtain an idealistic career, even if it wasn't fulfilling. This is what we are taught as consumers of education, to pursue a career in politics,education, or science because in society these categories encompass the "safe" or "right" careers. Now that I am an adult my WHY and the narrative behind it has completely changed. My why for pursuing higher education is to be able to show that it's ok to dream and want to pursue a career or purpose outside of the mediocracy of what society deems as a successful career or life. Truly I want to be an inspiration and an example that your dreams are tangible no matter what limits others may try to project onto you.

Savannaha906 (talkcontribs)

I think your WHY is beautiful. Society has deemed what are the proper and adequate career choices, but as an art major I want to show others that as an artist you can succeed and go far.