Fellow:Lizzy Kubica
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Elizabeth (Lizzy) Kubica is a student at James Madison University majoring in English with minors in Creative Writing, French, and Anthropology. Lizzy is originally from Virginia Beach, VA. At JMU, she is involved in Student Ambassadors, where she serves as the committee head for their Fall Philanthropy event Operation Season's Cheer, and Maddy Night Live, where she serves as their Head Writer. Lizzy loves writing and has been published for her poetry in Temper Literary Arts Magazine at JMU. In her free time, Lizzy loves to learn new skills and hobbies such as painting, knitting, climbing, hiking, cooking, surfing, and, most recently, teaching herself the violin.
Social media profiles
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lizzy-kubica-470632195 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lizzykubica/
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