Priorities:University of Dayton Student Priorities

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Fall 2018 Priorities

Proposal #1: Creating a CAP class for all majors

Problem Statement: The University of Dayton likes to pride themselves as a school for innovation and entrepreneurship, however I&E is very secluded within the School of Engineering and the School of Business, making other majors feel excluded. 

Proposal: The University should create a CAP (Common Academic Program) class that incorporates design thinking for every major to take. This would expand the knowledge of I&E to not only a select few hundred people, but thousands across campus. 

Key Tactics: To complete this project and make a new CAP class for everyone, there are going to have to be a lot of small steps taken in order to complete the over all goal. 

  1. Create a one day activity around design thinking and run it over with team and mentour. Get feedback and make tweaks to the class.
  2. Meet with professors of every major and ask if you can do a "desgin class takeover day" and takeover there classes to teach design thinking. Have them complete activities that include design thinking. 
  3. Get feedback from both the professors as well as the students. 
  4. Make changes to what happened within the class and develop on a broader scale. 
  5. Hold events for all students to come and learn about design thinking and get feedback
  6. Develop a full semester course that deals with bringing together all majors to inspire I&E within every students
  7. Present idea of full course, with feedback from take over days to the CAP board and get feedback on how to better the entire course 

While this project will mainly be lead by me, I will need help from my other UIF fellows as well as getting together many people from different majors to see what they would like to have included within the class and how it may better prepare them for the furture. A big component to the success of my project will be Ian Sikora, as his idea is to hold a design thinking challenge day. I can observe and get feedback from this event and allow it to benefit the production of the class. 

Proposal #2: Revamp of Up the Orgs

Moving forward from the prototype, we will need to implement steps that will take a couple of months to develop in order to complete the revamp of ‘Up the Orgs’. First, we will develop a list of key terms that would help describe the organizations on campus. Creating a list for clubs will identify core values in a organization that students would be interested in developing upon. The students’ interest can lead them into wanting to be involved in a club that further implements that passion for a key term,  such as “service-based”. Next, we will develop an online form that will list key terms for the clubs to fill out. With the help of the Center of Student Involvement, we will send these forms out and get feedback from each club. The general process for each club would ask them to select five key terms that describes their organization to avoid excessively selecting of key-terms, such as 30. After the results are in, we will go through and develop a survey that will help link students with clubs they can be interested in. For example, we will send a survey to students and have them pick 5 key terms they value or have a passion for. After they complete it, the survey will indicate the clubs that correlate to those key terms. On Fall 2019, we hope to have separated the key terms by specific days of the week. There will also be a developed map online that will have all of the organization on the main campus for the following week. The map will allow students to have an easier time finding and connect with organizations. In addition, it will allow club members to recruit individuals who have a passionate for their organization.  Once the first revamp is finished, I will witness and ask fellow students their intact of the new ‘Up the Orgs’. If there are any complaints multiple times, I will do my duty of making the revamp of ‘Up the Orgs’ better.

Proprosal #3: Design Thinking Day 

Problem Statement:

While the school focuses on bringing the I & E mindset to the schools of business and the school of engineering, the other academic departments are often being left out of these developments.


Create a yearly design-a-thon that is open to all students. Teaching everyone who attend about innovation through the practice of the design process in several creative scenarios.

Key Tactics: Identification, research, and development

1.)    Identify a facility member to sponsor the event and get it to be a University sanctioned event

2.)    Survey around campus to gauge interest in the event

3.)    Using data gathered from surveying, research locations that would be large enough for at least ten teams to gather, design, and prototype

4.)    Work with innovations teachers to develop a design thinking and design process lectures for non-engineering students

5.)    Create several scenarios that could be used for the competition

6.)    Research the price of crafts supplies

7.)    Apply for funding, as well as get a gift card for winning prize

8.)    Set a date for the event, and schedule the facility

9.)    Run the event, learn from it and improve.

Proposal #4: TEDx on Campus

Background: TEDx“is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere -- celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global stage” according to Google’s main definition. I like TEDx because of the content they provide and for what they stand for. So many of their episodes incorporate multiple viewpoints for different subjects. Their videos can be inspiring, thoughtful, and can tach multiple things to an individual. With our goals on I&E, we hope to provide multiple episodes on I&E through their format.

Getting Started: To get started, we need a License for TEDx. Through their website, we can apply and try to get a License through them. Once we get a license, we can follow their rules and set up locations or times.


  1. Get at least 50 people to an events
  2. Hold at least one event before we all goto Stanford and get inducted.
  3. Get at least a few people from every school at Dayton to be included in our process of holding a TEDx event.
  4. Get help from someone who has hosted a TEDx events

Who to talk to:

  1. People from other schools.
  2. People who have hosted TEDx events.
  3. People in the City of Dayton who would help those get into our session.


  1. Our Trip to Stanford is in Marchish.
  2. We want a license by November 15th
  3. Want a committee for help by the end of our semester.
  4. Get Financing, publicity, and other needs by the End of January.
  5. Host the TEDx event by March. This gives us (hopefully) the entire month of February and March to get this done.

Spring 2018 Priorities 

Proposal #1: Creating a Collaborative Space

Problem Statement

Kettering Labs, or KL, is the engineering building at UD. Many students feel like it does not have a convenient place to study or do group work. The only public place for student use is a first floor lounge with furniture that is not suited for academic work.


The basement of KL is virtually unused and contains many rooms that are large enough to be a group study space. I created a prototype floor plan using a central room and pictures of furniture found online, including team tables with presenting monitors, group standing desks, and modular couches. 


The feedback I received for students was very positive. Most had no suggestions for changes besides minor tweaks to the furniture and requests for many outlets to be installed. Moving forward, I will be presenting to faculty and facilities managment to hear their feedback and to find out what the next steps would be to move this proposal forward.

Proposal #2: Crossing CAP Courses

Problem Statement

At the University of Dayton, all students are required to take 10 CAP courses, which stands for the Common Academic Program. This requires students to take courses in humanties such as philosophy, english, history, etc. One issue that is brought up is that students opt for the easiest classes and ones that best fit their schedule instead of ones they are interested in. 


Instead of having the 10 CAP courses, have the CAP courses be more focused on engineering themes, so they engineers will be more interested and represented in humanties. This would also allow for a better understanding of engineering in both theory and in the workplace, thus further preparing them upon graduation.

After surveying engineering students, many students still wanted the CAP courses to not focus on engineering topics, but they still wanted more from their courses. Many of them suggested ideas such as allowing for those classes to be replaced by getting minors in other fields such as Computer Science, Business, etc. 

Proposal #3: Developing a Resouce for Locating Vacant Rooms' '

Problem Statements and RoadBlocks

  1. Students want study spaces avaible in KL for collaborative working in the evening/weekends
  2. Size and Layout of KL is rather static. Administration is already working hard to optimize space. 
  3. There is little space to rearrage the layout of the building
  4.  TAs tend to reserve larger rooms for office hours, which is not always necessary
  5.  Student have no way to reserve study space unless it is for club events
  6. Students cannot see which rooms are unoccupied 
  7. Adding/Renovating collaborative spaces in KL may not be possible because there is already overcrowding. Labs and Offices are at capasity

Potential Solution

  1. Create a universal systems for students to check which rooms are available to use outside of the class hours.
  2.  Optimize use of reserved space by using smaller rooms for office hours or combining multiple TAs into one room for various office hours

Plan of Action

  1. Adapt the layout of the Library's System to KL to view which rooms are available.
  2. Create an applciation to show a map and highlight the free rooms in KL, posting when they are help for classes/meetings.
  3. Speak with the Dean to optimize spaces for TA's. Propose alternative spaces that are smaller or larger spaces that are condensed

Other Information

  1. Roesh Library has a room reservation tool on their website with a listing of available study rooms and team rooms and the abiliry to reserve them for up to a 3 hour window

Proposal #4: Establishing a Living Learning Community

The University of Dayton offers a variety of Integrated Learning Living Communities(ILLC) where first year students are able to live together based upon shared interests and passions. The proposal is to establish an ILLC for Engineering and Innovation that would allow first year Engineering students the abiltiy to live together and begin practicing essential networking and problem solving skills that will help them develop into future successful engingeers and problem solvers

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'University of Dayton'

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