Priorities:Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering Student Priorities

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Strategy 1: Academic Success

Focus: Maintaining good grades, understanding course material, and completing assignments on time.

Actions: Attend classes regularly, participate in discussions, study effectively, and seek help from professors or peers when needed.

  • Mind Mapping: Use mind maps to visually organize information. This can help with retention and understanding complex topics.
  • Gamified Learning: Incorporate game elements into study routines, such as quizzes or flashcards. This can make learning more engaging and fun.
  • Digital Tools: Explore apps like Notion or Trello for organizing notes and tasks. These tools can help streamline your workflow.
  • Active Recall Techniques: Instead of passively reviewing notes, try to recall information from memory. This can significantly improve retention.
  • Interleaved Practice: Mix different subjects or types of problems in a single study session. This approach can enhance problem-solving skills.
  • Peer Teaching: Form study groups where each member teaches a topic. Explaining concepts to others reinforces your understanding.
  • Time Blocking: Schedule specific blocks of time for different subjects or tasks, reducing procrastination and improving focus.
  • Reflection Journals: Keep a journal to reflect on what you've learned and how you can improve. This encourages self-awareness and growth.
  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices to reduce stress and improve concentration, leading to better academic performance.
  • Create a Reward System: Set up a system where you reward yourself for achieving study goals. This can boost motivation and make studying more enjoyable.

Strategy 2: Enhancing awareness among students about I&E

The best way to provide awareness is making students get inspired. This can be effectively done by accommodating success meets, guest lectures, seminars on the world renewed entrepreneurs, etc. Through this awareness program, the management ensures students about

  1. Encouraging their ideas
  2. Problem-solving techniques
  3. Erase the gap between faculty and student
  4. Providing guidance and suggestions from seniors
  5. Providing success stories of on-campus entrepreneurs(fellow students)

Tech Solutions

  • AI-Powered Tutoring: Launch an online platform that uses AI to provide personalized tutoring experiences for students.
  • Remote Work Tools: Develop tools that enhance productivity and collaboration for remote teams, like virtual office spaces or project management software.


Success and failure stories are present to make the students get their inspiration from the era the chooses to be an entrepreneur.


If any student has a doubt or question or any idea to be implemented can drop it here

Strategy 3: Implementing practical sessions for students

Conducting Workshops  

Students are the future.  Although they have learning capacity they lack practical skills.  Students learn basics in academics whereas they can implement that knowledge when they are provided with practical sessions.  Apart from academics, there is so much to learn which can be known when they attend classes outside the classroom which is our workshop.  Workshops not only provide extra knowledge, they also help students implement that knowledge.  Many colleges have been conducting workshops to help students meet the knowledge to survive in industries.

Introducing online lectures  

It is not possible to provide everything using the current curriculum hence there is a need for introducing the student to the things that help students survive in the present world.  This can be done by introducing online lectures with students.  As it provides everything in a well-defined manner so that the student can learn what he needs to know.  Some online courses not only offer courses but also provides certificates which help students to fill their resume. 

Introducing classes that are out of curriculum  

The main focus of present education system is to provide basic to the some of the subjects that help the student to attend his interview.  If the same system persists everyone learns the same stuff as it shows no difference between one another.  To learn such stuff the classes that are not in curriculum need to be conducted. 

Showing the work in past  

Most of the ideas in this world come from copying.  Many scientists who made great inventions followed some other scientists.  That is many of them enhanced the work done by others.  Edison found the bulb.  But the same idea is enhanced in different ways to produce different kinds of light facilitating devices. 

Strategy 4: To improve the trust in student Ideas

                Trust is the glue of life. It is essential for all communications and to build strong relationships. To win the trust of management, the students initially have to add weight to their assumptions. For this problem, the solution is implementing the ‘Thinker club’.

Meetups with effective student change agents  

Student change agents are the great support to the budding talents. A meetup session with the change agents on campus helps them identify the resources in and out of the campus that help them to reach their goals. The dilemma in their mind can be erased with ease and they can pave a clear path to what next.  

Mentoring sessions with faculty  

Technical support is the main phase while implementing an Idea. Technical assistance will be provided to the students from faculty mentors to overcome the hurdles of doubts. This helps students in bridging the gap between their assumptions and feasibility in real life. 

Maker space

Trust is earned when actions meet words. When students show their ideas in action plan, they can gain trust from the management to fund their ideas. This is possible only if they prototype their project.  Low-cost prototyping resources are made available for the students in this maker space. This helps them in giving a live demo of their project to the customers and helps them in winning the faith of students.  

Strategy 5:Time Management

Focus: Balancing academic responsibilities with extracurricular activities and personal life.

Actions: Create schedules or to-do lists, prioritize tasks, and allocate time for studying, leisure, and self-care.

  • Weekly Planning Sessions: Dedicate time each week to plan your schedule. Use this time to map out classes, study sessions, and personal commitments.
  • Class Time Utilization: Use breaks between classes effectively by reviewing notes or starting small assignments. This maximizes your available time.
  • Study Buddy Schedule: Pair up with a study buddy to hold each other accountable. Schedule joint study sessions to stay focused and motivated.
  • Flexible Time Blocks: Instead of rigid schedules, use flexible time blocks for studying. Adjust your focus based on energy levels and task difficulty.
  • Themed Study Days: Assign themes to specific days (e.g., “Research Wednesdays” or “Math Fridays”) to create structure and focus on particular subjects.
  • Task Duration Estimates: Estimate how long tasks will take and add a buffer time. This helps manage expectations and reduces the chance of overruns.
  • Use a Timer: Experiment with different timer techniques, such as 50 minutes of work followed by a 10-minute break. Find a rhythm that keeps you energized.
  • Visual Progress Trackers: Create a visual progress chart for long-term projects or assignments. This can provide motivation as you see tasks getting completed.
  • Digital Tools for Collaboration: Use apps like Google Calendar or Trello to coordinate group projects. Shared calendars can help everyone stay on the same page.
  • Prioritize Self-Care: Schedule downtime and self-care activities just as you would classes or study sessions. Balancing work and relaxation is crucial for productivity.

Strategy6: Cognizance on I&E

Gathering people  

The first and primary thing to improve awareness is to gather people and make them know what actually an entrepreneurship is and what are the inputs an entrepreneur should have.The final motto of the gathering is to acquire some knowledge about entrepreneurship without an empty mind regarding it.By the end of the gathering, they come across what actually I&E is.

Providing the website links of Successful Entrepreneurs  

By going through the links we can gain the experience of the entire lifecycle of the entrepreneur.We can come across both the failure and success steps.So without our practical start, we can gain some awareness through it.

Optimum utilization of natural resources  

An entrepreneur should have a complete idea of utilization of natural resources.One need to have complete knowledge about the resources to use them for their prototype purpose.

Completion of prototype with limited cost  

The completion of the prototype should be done with limited cost.By this, we can sell the prototype for a low cost.This need to be followed as low cost is the main motto of an entrepreneur.

Providing the relevant examples  

By providing the examples one can gain much awareness.By showing examples one can differentiate between a normal businessman and the entrepreneur.Examples show how creative an entrepreneur is.

Stratagy7: Interaction with network of people

Social Media  

In modern society, the interaction with people is mainly through social media all over the globe. So, by utilizing this aspect, we can improve networking as much as possible. The information can be shared with a large number of people with less time & effort.

Participate in Toastmasters or another speaking club  

For people who do not follow internet regularly can participate in Toastmasters or another speaking clubs.The major advantage of this speaking club is that there will be a direct exchange of views & ideas and can also urge someone towards entrepreneurship.

Host a meetup 

We ourselves can host a meetup so that we can invite people to join the society of entrepreneurs. By doing so we can meet people in our own space. By this, we can have a creative group of people which automatically assist in increasing networking.


One of the better-known benefits of volunteering is the impact on the community. Volunteering allows you to connect with your community and make it a better place. And volunteering is a two-way street: It can benefit you and your community.

Stratagy8: Civic Engagement

Focus: Being involved in the community and understanding social responsibilities.

Actions: Volunteer for local organizations, participate in campus initiatives, and engage in discussions about social issues.

  • Civic Challenge Events: Organize competitions where students develop solutions to local issues. This encourages creativity and collaboration while addressing real community needs.
  • Service Learning Courses: Advocate for courses that integrate community service with academic learning. This combines classroom theory with hands-on experience in civic engagement.
  • Local Advocacy Days: Host events where students can learn about local government processes and advocate for issues they care about. Invite local leaders to discuss community challenges.
  • Civic Engagement Platforms: Develop an online platform or app where students can find local volunteer opportunities, civic events, and ways to engage with community organizations.
  • Interdisciplinary Projects: Encourage collaboration across different academic disciplines to address civic issues, allowing students to apply diverse skills and perspectives.
  • Storytelling Initiatives: Launch campaigns where students share personal stories related to civic issues, fostering empathy and raising awareness about different perspectives in the community.
  • Civic Book Club: Start a book club focused on literature about social justice, civic responsibility, and community engagement. Host discussions to inspire action.

Strategy 9: Leader ship circle

Makers space 

A Place where school's administration circle will approach, to address s every single issue and to bring out proficient arrangements, they will have straightforward access to every single understudy so they can know the outcomes that were been looked by the individuals.Through this  all the dynamic individuals in the administration circle can have a spot called Makers space in which they can draw out the cutting edge answers for present day issues. Furthermore, this inheritance of authority circle will proceed with further.

Apex body System  

It is a student body governing system which doesn't  depend upon the college management for any kind of activities that takes place in the college.In short It is a managing body which consists of a group of students in hierarchy, sorted by screening test under the surveillance  college management. 

Creative Leadership  

The top half of the circle maps Creative Competencies that contribute to a leader’s effectiveness. They measure how you achieve results, bring out the best in others, lead with vision, enhance your own development, act with-integrity, and improve organisational systems.High scores in the Creative dimensions correlate to high levels of leadership effectiveness, and subsequently high levels of business performance.

Reactive Leadership  

The lower half of the circle maps self-limiting Reactive tendencies and leadership behaviours. The Reactive tendencies emphasise caution over creating results, self protection over productive engagement, aggression over building alignment, and control over collaboration.High scores in the Reactive dimensions correlate to low Creative Competency scores, and low levels of leadership effectiveness overall.

Strategy 10: Student Assistantships

Teaching Assistantship 

Teaching assistant's duties will vary depending on the school and discipline, but you can expect to be responsible for one or more of the following:

1)Teaching or assisting with one or more sections of a course

2)Running laboratory sessions

3)Grading undergraduate student papers and exams

4)Holding regular office hours and meeting with students

5)Conducting study and review sessions

Research Assistantship 

An assistantship is a form of funding in which a student works as an "assistant" in exchange for partial or full tuition and/or a stipend. Students who are awarded research assistantships become research assistants and are assigned to work in a faculty member's lab. The supervising faculty member may or may not be the student's main advisor. Duties of research assistants vary by discipline and lab but include all tasks needed to pursue research in a given area, such as:

1) Data collection, entry, and analysis

2) Reviewing the literature and other library work

3) Writing reports

4) Copying, filing, and collating

5) Organising and/or cleaning the lab or office

Academic Assistantship 

A  student pursuing a degree is often required to be a teaching assistant in order to meet the requirements for conferment of the degree. As an assistant to a professor at a university, a graduate assistant gains experience in the various tasks that are likely to be a part of a future position as an instructor at a post-secondary institution.   1)Lesson Planning 

2)Assignment Development                            


4)Tutoring and Office Hours                                          

5)Assessment and Record Keeping

Strategy 11: Career Guidance Counsellor

Request letter for University 

Our essential assignment is to persuade the college with the end goal that they can comprehend the understudy point of view and give a direction guide so he/she can address however many issues as could be expected under the circumstances looked by the understudies to bring out powerful arrangements. henceforth we composed a solicitation letter to our college requesting that they give a solid match guide. In which he/she can converse with understudies actually.

 Permission From the Higher Authorities  

We Request our higher specialists to actualise a different staff as a profession direction instructor, as for the issues that are looked by the students,So that they will be given arrangements as indicated by the time timetables of the vocation direction advisor in which powerful arrangements will be raised, without disarray, there is no legitimate end. In which direction guide will give legitimate ends.

Voting system  

Students and Faculty champions will have a straightforward democratic framework to choose a profession direction advocate in every single department. Through a democratic framework with the end goal that the merited staff can be a solid match for being a direction advisor for the understudies who were enduring. Thusly through the democratic framework, an ideal and propelled staff champion can be picked in a place of obligation to be a direction instructor.

Leader ship circle  

Understudies who endured a great deal mentally, rationally, physically and furthermore who were discouraged because of some interruption can likewise meet the leadership circle and clarify their issues and outcomes that they looked in awful circumstances. The leadership circle will further help them by dealing with their issues with an appropriate arrangement so that there won't be any unsettling influence in the day - to - day life.

Strategy 12: Personal Growth

Focus: Developing a sense of identity, values, and independence.

Actions: Reflect on personal goals, engage in self-discovery activities, and seek out experiences that challenge and inspire personal development.

  • Skill Swap Workshops: Organize events where students can teach each other unique skills (e.g., coding, cooking, photography). This fosters community and encourages learning outside the classroom.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation Sessions: Incorporate regular mindfulness or meditation practices on campus. Workshops can help students manage stress and enhance focus.
  • Personal Development Challenges: Create month-long challenges focused on specific areas (e.g., gratitude, fitness, or reading). Share progress with peers for accountability and support.
  • Goal-Setting Retreats: Host weekend retreats focused on goal-setting and personal vision development. Use guided activities to help students define their aspirations.
  • Book and Podcast Clubs: Start clubs centered around personal development books or podcasts. Regular discussions can deepen understanding and encourage implementation of new ideas.
  • Mentorship Programs: Pair students with mentors in their field of interest. This can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights into personal and professional growth.
  • Creative Expression Workshops: Offer workshops in art, writing, or performing arts. Creative outlets can help students explore emotions and enhance self-awareness.

Strategy 13:Career Preparation

Focus: Preparing for future employment and career opportunities.

Actions: Participate in career fairs, attend workshops on resume writing and interview skills, and network with professionals in the field.

  • Career Exploration Days: Organize events where students can interact with professionals from various fields through panels, Q&A sessions, and hands-on workshops.
  • Virtual Internships: Encourage students to seek remote internships. Create a resource hub on campus for finding and applying to virtual opportunities.
  • Industry-Specific Boot Camps: Offer short, intensive boot camps focusing on skills relevant to specific industries, such as coding, marketing, or project management.
  • Professional Development Series: Host workshops on essential soft skills like communication, negotiation, and teamwork. These skills are often just as crucial as technical abilities.
  • Alumni Networking Events: Facilitate networking events where students can connect with alumni who work in their fields of interest. This can provide valuable insights and job leads.
  • Job Shadowing Programs: Create opportunities for students to shadow professionals in their desired fields for a day or a week to gain real-world experience and insights.
  • Resume and LinkedIn Clinics: Offer workshops or one-on-one sessions focused on crafting effective resumes and LinkedIn profiles. Include tips on tailoring applications for specific roles.
  • Mock Interviews with Professionals: Arrange for students to participate in mock interviews with industry professionals. This helps build confidence and provides constructive feedback.

Strategy 14: Social Connections

Focus: Building strong relationships with peers, faculty, and mentors for support and networking.

Actions: Join clubs, attend campus events, and engage in social activities to meet new people and foster connections.

  • Peer Mentorship Programs: Create opportunities for upperclassmen to mentor freshmen or transfer students, helping them navigate college life and build friendships.
  • Cultural Exchange Nights: Host events where students can share their cultural backgrounds through food, music, and stories. This promotes diversity and connection.
  • Volunteer Together: Organize group volunteer activities. Working together for a common cause can strengthen bonds and create lasting friendships.
  • Outdoor Adventures: Plan outdoor activities like hiking, camping, or picnics. Nature can provide a relaxed setting for students to connect.
  • Collaborative Study Groups: Form study groups that not only focus on academics but also incorporate social elements, like snacks or casual discussions.
  • Art and Music Collaborations: Organize jam sessions, open mic nights, or art showcases that allow students to express themselves and connect over shared passions.
  • Online Community Platforms: Create a dedicated online platform or app where students can post events, find study partners, or chat about interests, enhancing connectivity even outside campus.

Strategy 15: Skill Development

Focus: Gaining practical skills relevant to future careers, including communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Actions: Engage in internships, workshops, volunteer opportunities, or extracurricular activities that build these skills.

  • Interdisciplinary Workshops: Organize workshops that combine skills from different fields, such as coding for artists or marketing for scientists. This encourages creative problem-solving.
  • Skill Swap Events: Host events where students can teach each other skills, whether it’s graphic design, cooking, or public speaking. This fosters peer learning and community.
  • Online Learning Challenges: Set up challenges that encourage students to complete online courses or certifications in various skills within a set timeframe. Offer recognition for achievements.
  • Mentorship Programs: Pair students with mentors in their desired fields to gain insights and hands-on experience. This can include job shadowing or project collaboration.
  • Book Clubs Focused on Skill Development: Start a book club that focuses on personal and professional development books. Discussions can lead to practical applications of new skills.
  • Real-World Simulations: Incorporate simulations or role-playing exercises related to specific fields (e.g., mock negotiations for business students) to develop practical skills.
  • Feedback Loops: Establish regular feedback sessions where students can present projects or ideas and receive constructive criticism from peers and faculty, helping them refine their skills.

Strategy 16: Health and Well-being

Focus: Maintaining physical and mental health to ensure overall well-being.

Actions: Prioritize sleep, exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods, and seek support for mental health when needed.

  • Wellness Workshops: Organize workshops on topics like stress management, nutrition, and mindfulness. These can provide practical strategies for maintaining well-being.
  • Group Fitness Challenges: Create friendly competitions around fitness goals (e.g., step challenges or group workouts). This encourages community and accountability.
  • Mental Health Days: Advocate for designated days off from classes to focus on mental health, allowing students to rest and recharge without academic pressure.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation Sessions: Offer regular guided mindfulness or meditation sessions on campus, helping students manage stress and enhance focus.
  • Healthy Cooking Classes: Host cooking classes that teach students how to prepare quick, nutritious meals on a budget. This encourages healthy eating habits.
  • Health Resource Fair: Organize a fair where local health services, wellness programs, and student organizations can provide resources and information to students.
  • Sleep Hygiene Campaigns: Launch campaigns focused on the importance of sleep, offering tips for better sleep hygiene and hosting “nap zones” during exam periods.

Project Pitch






University Innovation Fellows

FELLOWS 2017 Fall 

Supraja Akkala

Shruthi CO

Vijay Kanupuri

Vinod Kumar Kolla


Dinesh Lakkakula

Dasvanth Keerakatta

Jeevan Kumar Akula

Neha Pagala

FELLOWS 2018 Fall 

Harshavardhan Gaddam

Soumya Chowdary Daruru

Sridhar Amudala

Janardhanbabu Marri

FELLOWS 2019 Fall 

Charan Reddy Gopala

Vamsi Krishna Bushan Guduri

Velayuthan Jothiroopan

Nihari Reddy Bheemireddy

FELLOWS 2020 Fall 

Abdul Wadood Shaik

Guntur Renu

Haritha A S

Sowjanya Murari

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