School:Institut Pertanian Bogor

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IPB University (Indonesian: Institut Pertanian Bogor, abbreviated as IPB) is a state-run agricultural university based in the regency of Bogor, Indonesia. The institute began as an agricultural school formed by the Dutch colonial regime in the early 20th century. After independence, it was part of the University of Indonesia before becoming an independent institute on September 1, 1963.Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, S.P., M.Si. serves as its director.

Coin IPB, a landmark in IPB University
IPB's rectorate office

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programs

So far there have been many discussions about innovation and entrepreneurship because campuses strongly encourage students to make innovations. There are courses that various departments can take to learn about innovation creation and entrepreneurship, allowing for a cross-departmental student collaboration

Academic Course

Software Engineering Project

This course discusses the importance of software engineering, software definitions, process-oriented and object-oriented software development methods, stages in software engineering which include requirements analysis, analysis results modeling, design, implementation with selected programming techniques, black and white testing. box and white box and maintenance. After completing this course, students are expected to be able to develop software systematically and measurably by implementing process-oriented and object-oriented software development methods.

Software Project Management Project

This course discusses the characteristics of software systems and the principles of project management which include requirements elicitation, estimation of software development efforts, professional ethics, quality control, planning and scheduling in the software process life cycle, team work and risk management. After completing this course, students are able to manage work (projects) for software development according to user needs in an effective, timely, and budget-friendly manner.

Basic of Business

This course is originally from Agribusiness Department but every student can take it, it teaches students about basic knowledge of business to help develop student talents in the business world. At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to understand the business concept and how business works

Extracurricular Activities

Century IPB Center of Entrepreneurship Development for Youth (CENTURY), is a Student Activity Unit engaged in entrepreneurship development. Century seeks to develop, train, facilitate, and accommodate the development of entrepreneurship at the Institut Pertanian Bogor. Through Century, those from various faculties can learn more about entrepreneurship. Not only learning and sharing together, but they can also explore their ability to manage their own business or business since they were in college.

OUTSCO IPB OUTSCO (Outstanding College Student) is an organization under the auspices of the Directorate of Student Affairs and Career Development of IPB University. Established on March 10, 2017, this organization was formed as a response to the many potentials, interests and talents of IPB University students who need direction and a forum for developing this potential.

Encouraging faculty innovation and entrepreneurship

Each faculty at IPB has different types of support for innovation and entrepreneurship. And each department in the faculty provides programs on innovation and entrepreneurship independently. IPB also has a platform that can support the development of innovation and entrepreneurship such as the science techno park and also the a.m incubator. There are also competitions and events that can encourage innovation and entrepreneurs for each faculty, such as Iconfest and Ideanation.

University Technology Transfer Function

STP IPB (Science and Technology Park IPB) Science and Technology Park (STP), formed on 28 July 2020. STP IPB is an institutions that Protecting IPB's inventions and innovations. STP IPB also organizing incubation programs for startups in the fields of tropical agriculture, food, bioscience and marine life. It also provides HR development services, technology development and business solutions. STP IPB also few facilities in the form of business spaces, co-working spaces, ecosystems and networks that support tenant business development.

IT Today IT Today 2021 is an international technology event held by the Department of Computer Science IPB collaborating with IPB University Computer Science Student Association. IT Today presenting various events such as International Seminar, Community Seminars, and Workshop along with Competition such as Capture The Flag, UX Design, and IT Business Competition.

Facilitating university-industry collaboration

Kampus Merdeka

A program organized by big companies in Indonesia such as Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, and Traveloka. With this program, participants can learn hard skills as well as soft skills in the desired fields such as Mobile Development, Cloud Computing and Machine Learning. Participants also learn to understand the environment in the industry and also to react to it. With this program, participants can learn from experience as well as collaboration with various universities in Indonesia. This program helps in equalizing the university industry in IPB itself.


The Sub-Directorate of Career Development or commonly known as Career Development and Assessment (CDA IPB), is a sub-unit under the Directorate of Student Affairs and Career Development whose mission is to reduce unemployment in Indonesia. CDA IPB provides services around the university industry such as job vacancies, training programs, job fairs, internships, etc.

Engaging with regional and local economic development efforts

3S Rice Seeds

The IPB 3S rice variety is a New Type irrigated rice variety with a sturdy architecture and dense panicles so that it can increase the productivity of paddy fields, especially in suitable areas. By innovating new crop variants that increases yields, it will eventually helps the farmers to gain more profits.

Community Service Program

Every year third year students will have to do a Community Service Program. In this program students have to choose a village or a city to serve the communities there. Students have to make few programs that will helps the community by educating, improving, or making something new for the community.