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Natascha Mwambwa profile picture.jpg
School (Cohort)
The University of Zambia (2023 cohort)
Majoring in
Electrical and electronics engineering


I'm an aspiring Electrical and Electronics Engineering student with a focus on Telecommunications at the University of Zambia. Hailing from the vibrant city of Lusaka, Zambia, I'm driven by my curiosity and passion for technology and its potential to uplift communities. During my studies, I've also had the privilege of interning at the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation, gaining firsthand experience in the field and further fueling my interest in the realm of electronics and communication. Im also very interested in space science and its economic benefits. Beyond academics, I've dabbled in web development, acquiring basic skills that allow me to create and innovate in the digital space. Proficient in languages like C++ and Python, I am constantly exploring how technology can bring about positive change. When I'm not immersed in the world of engineering, you'll find me engrossed in the latest fantasy novel or indulging in my passion for cooking. Movies are another love of mine, providing a creative escape and a chance to unwind. Deeply committed to causes close to my heart, I am passionate about using technology to tackle global challenges and the development of third-world countries like my own. I find inspiration in my father's farming and fishing activities, which have taught me the value of hard work, patience and perseverance. My connection with my mother and my unwavering faith in God are the cornerstones of my life. These relationships remind me of the importance of love, support, and spirituality. As I navigate my educational journey and beyond, I am excited to leverage my technical skills, creativity, and passion to make a meaningful impact in the world, one innovation at a time.


Social media profiles

https://www.linkedin.com/in/natascha-mwambwa-186424210 https://instagram.com/tascha_4?utm_source=qr&igshid=MzNlNGNkZWQ4Mg%3D%3D https://twitter.com/MwambwaNatascha?t=4MVSTSdw1rEFJsHlRcY8eg&s=35