Fellow:Mwango Makumba Makumba

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Mwango Makumba Makumba
School (Cohort)
The University of Zambia (2023 cohort)
Majoring in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering with Telecommunications


Mwango Makumba is a final year student studying Electrical and Electronics Engineering with a Major in Telecommunications at the University of Zambia in Lusaka, Zambia. Prior to this, she did her high school studies at Kasisi Girls Secondary school and after her A-levels at Trident College. As a scholar under First Quantum Minerals (FQM), she’s had the privilege of being exposed and contributing to the Instrumentation and Control department, gaining practical insights that have deepened her understanding of engineering. Beyond her academic studies, her skill set includes leadership, teamwork, adaptability and the ability to quickly grasp complex concepts. Outside the world of circuits and codes, she thrives on human connections. She enjoys spending time with her friends and family from playing games all the way to engaging in deep meaningful conversations. Experimenting with food, expressing herself through art, playing tennis, outdoor adventures and volunteering all experiences that she enjoys when not buried in books. As a STEM major, she understands the power that technology has and has a passion to use her skills and knowledge to develop her community through various initiatives and innovations that uplift all and inspire positive change for the betterment of humanity.


She has been a member of both local and international institutions. During her A-level studies, she proudly earned the Duke of Edinburgh (DoE) award at the bronze level, a testament to her commitment to personal development and volunteering. In her high school years before this, participation in the Junior Engineers, Technicians and Scientists (JETS) competitions earned her various awards, igniting and fuelling her dedication to engineering excellence. After observing numerous gender disparities and biases that negatively impact women, she chose to become an advocate for change. She joined the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) in 2022 where she was able to meet various women whose careers inspire her own. Through this inspiration, she then went on to serve and the Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) as the Zambian Women in Engineering Section (ZWES) student representative, a role that allowed her to create a platform to connect the female engineers on campus not only with each other but also with those already in the industry. In the year 2023, she served under the university’s Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Student branch as the branch’s Executive Secretary and IEEEXtreme17.0 programming competition Zambia Section lead, ensuring a successful turn of events through out the year. Mwango was inducted as a UIF Fellow in the 2023 cohort and participated in the 2024 Twente UIF Meetup. One of the major projects from her cohort was hosting a Pitch competition and Panel Discussion in collaboration with IEEE. This competition gave students a platform to showcase their ideas and learn how to present to potential Investors. They also benefitted from a discussion teaching them how to use their skills to take on entrepreneurial roles in society, which develops not only themselves but the nation at large. Currently, she serves as the IEEE student branch Chairperson where she continues to implement various initiatives that help develop students’ skills so as to leverage technology for the betterment of humanity through innovation and entrepreneurship.

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