Fellow:Lydia Baker
rom home, she is still a proud Husker fan, and wears her red Nebraska shirt every Saturday during football season.
Lydia spent 2 months in 2018 living in Malindi, Kenya working with 5 small businesses to assist them with growth & development. This 8 week business mentorship program allowed her to learn about developing-world entrepreneurship as she also gained international experience. When she returned to the United States, she started and co-taught an Entrepreneurship Accelerator course at the Nashville Hispanic Family Foundation (HFF). This was a 6 week course designed by Lydia and a fellow student, and was created to help Latino immigrants learn about running a small business in the United States.
When she’s not working or studying in the College of Business, you can find her at a local coffee shop, babysitting, sitting somewhere with her journal, or eating at a new Nashville restaurant with her friends. Lydia loves coffee & donuts and is always ready for an adventure. She’s passionate about using business as a way to impact her community, and hopes to one day open a social enterprise or go back to Kenya & work with small businesses-hopefully both!
2019-2020 Lipscomb University Strategic Priorities
2019-2020 Lipscomb University Campus Projects
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