Fellow:Isaiah Freeman

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Isaiah Freeman
School (Cohort)
Virginia State University (2021 cohort)
Majoring in
Computer Science
United States of America


Isaiah Freeman is a University Innovation Fellow candidate and an Honors undergraduate of Virginia State University under the College of Engineering and Technology. Isaiah is current on track for graduation in May 2025, where he plans to pursue his graduate degree. Isaiah is also an innovator in his spare time, constantly building applications/websites/pet projects for both personal fun and for business ventures.

Excited about any conversation about blending software w/ design thinking.


- Distinguished Research Award from Stanford University Computer Science Department

- 2-time author of d.school's Change Journal:

- Change Forward 2021-22 by University Innovation Fellows - Issuu

- Change Forward 2022-23 by University Innovation Fellows - Issuu

- Spoke at Silicon Valley Meetup @ 2023 at Stanford University

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtAQqsBfK8c

- Spoke at Virginia State University about artificial intelligence

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0us4WLxmUo

- Software Engineer Intern @ Google

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