Fellow:Brady Karras

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Brady Karras
School (Cohort)
Utah Valley University (2024 cohort)
Majoring in
Information Systems
United States


Brady Karras is an Information systems major studying at Utah Valley University who is participating in the University Innovation Fellows in 2024. Originally from Northern Utah, Brady fell in love with the state so much that he decided to continue his higher education in the state only an hour's drive from his hometown.

While studying at UVU, Brady has participated in projects that have helped him advance his education further than just the classroom. Some projects have included rebranding a distribution of Linux for a charity organization, managing a project that was developing an AI-powered robot that could communicate, and a number of web apps that were inspired by other students.

Brady considers himself to be a people person, with his friends and family being the most important things in his life. A big part of what drives his ambition is building something for his family and future family. Another big passion in his life is music, as he is a member of 2 active bands and a former member of another.


Worked on developing software for a state-wide academic conference Rebranded a distribution of Linux for a charitable organization with a team of students. Worked on the web apps 'Date Discover' and 'Enchant Gameplay' Managed a project developing an AI powered robot designed to interact and communicate.

Social media profiles

Instagram: Bradywkarras

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