User:TE Smith

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TE Smith is University Innovation Fellow and and an undergraduate at Utah Valley University (UVU). He is graduating with an Associate in Science - University Studies in the Fall of 2017, an Associate in Applied Science with Graphic Design Concentration in the Spring 2018, and with a Bachelor in Science in University Studies with Graphic Design Major in the Summer 2018. His focus is in developing elearning  simulations and programs. Between his dad’s service in the US Navy for ten years and his service in the US Army as a cryptologist he has been to 36 countries and 49 US States. He has lived in Utah for the past 16 years. He became involved with the University Innovation Fellows program at UVU.

TE Smith.jpg

Tim has worked in the corporate world for over twenty years before returning to college to complete his degree programs, to improve his skills and be more competitive in the workforce. He has been developing training programs as a curriculum developer and instructional designer, and teaching adult education programs for over 15 years.

He is an active entrepreneur, sculptor in wood, metal and stone, avid photographer, hunter and loves to go exploring offroad in the Rocky Mountains. He has been awarded Instructor of the Year, achieving the highest success rates with his students. He has been on the Dean’s list two semesters in a row now, maintaining a high GPA. On his campus, he is interested in building a maker space and converting courses to highly interactive online programs.