
From University Innovation Fellows
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Work No. of hours remarks
Password reset 2 Wrong password has been sent to new cohort members. So did password reset
WikiPage embeding 3 See Widget:WikiPage
UIF-UserManage extension 12 Created and deployed UIF-UserManage to reset users' email or password.
Disabling HotCat - Disabled for all users except bureaucrat.
Complex sorting for F,S,P 3 Allowed to sort the CatTree in Faculty Champion, School, and Priorities order.
Adding some namespace to default search - Added Faculty Champions and Tools namespace to the default search
Security patch updates (Dec 2020) 22 Applied the security changes of MediaWiki 1.35 on UIF Wiki
Security patch updates (April 2021) 18 Applied the security changes of MediaWiki 1.35 on UIF Wiki
Changes in Special:TrainingDashboard ~2 Changes in Special:TrainingDashboard and recored video for Ghanashyam Ji