Fellow:Brianna Lewis

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Brianna Lewis
School (Cohort)
Prairie View A&M University (2020 cohort)
Majoring in
United States


Brianna grew up in Fort Worth, TX, where she developed a passion for agriculture, raising livestock, competing in stock shows, enjoying friends and volunteering at veterinary clinics. She started her education at a community college where she began to grow into her purpose. At the time, Brianna thought that becoming a Research Veterinarian was her path, but little did she know she was geared for greater. During a rough start at her community college, she developed and began to embody a motto called, 'Triple G's' which stands for 'Grow in every way, Grind Daily, then Glow for eternity'. This motto served as a guiding principle during challenging times and became a source of inspiration for herself. Slowly she used it to mentor, inspire, and remind not only herself but others to constantly improve and protect every aspect of their life.

Brianna then went on to pursue her education at Prairie View A&M University. She continued to advocate for others in various roles. She served as the Fundraising Chairman for the 'Pre-Veterinarian Club', a mentor for 'Leading Innovation Venture Entrepreneurship' and 'Sister's Improving Sisterhood', a change agent for the 'Stanford University Innovation Fellowship Program', a brand ambassador for ' Black Ladies in Public Health', and a tutor for multiple courses. Through these engagements, she paved the way for other students to enhance not only the campus environment but also find purpose in their own lives.

Over the course of her undergraduate experience, Brianna slowly evolved into an astoundingly self-driven and empathic individual. Her experiences and a vision focused on research and comparative medicine fueled her aspiration to become a Research Veterinarian. She felt that she could create innovative solutions to common health issues i.e., kidney disease, infectious diseases, and heart disease. She believed that observation, inspiration, and determination formed the foundation of her success.

During UIF?

In 'Stanford University Innovation Fellowship Program' my team and I developed a phase II of ' Leading Innovation Venture Entrepreneurship'. We used it as a way to bridge the gap amongst the campus, learning styles, and student/teacher structure. We held classes where student's could find innovative ways to bring creativity into their learning rooms.

What Happened after UIF?

Post-graduation, with a B.S. in Agriculture, her vision of pursuing veterinary medicine shifted towards public health, specifically epidemiology. She began working towards transitioning into clinical research by completing a internship with PharmOrganix, and transitioning employment from a Senior Supervisor at VIP Petcare to a Parasitology Technician with a new company. In this newfound role she contributed to monitoring animal health trends analyzing research samples. Currently, she is involved in an internship with Xplosion Technology, educating minority youth about diabetes monitoring, conduct thorough research to identify potential grants, scholarships, angel investors and accelerators that are suitable for Xplosion's goals, and creating effective solutions. Inspired by innovative medical advancements and her background in agricultural science, she sought to make a meaningful impact in her community.

Although she faced redirection she continued to believe in continual growth and actively seeking innovative approaches to address challenges in the world. As a purpose-driven individual, she has strived to maintain her education, mentor others, and lead campus-wide initiatives. Often times she doubts the success of her path while helping others grow in strength but one day she will be as strong as the ones she has touched.

Where is she now?

Brianna is currently working towards achieving her master's in public health, managing a full-time position as a parasitology technician, and settling into being a mentor to the next upcoming fellows in the Standford University Innovation Fellowship program. In addition, Brianna maintains her passion for mentorship, creativity, and innovation by conducting a monthly newsletter called "Connections Chronicle" on her social media platforms. This newsletter serves as a platform to share her journey's triumphs and setbacks, promoting mental health wellness and providing insights into navigating life's challenges. She continues to step outside the box and advocate for others to do the same.


  • 2012: Member of Future Farmer of America
  • 2016: 2nd place - Greenhand Quiz
  • 2016: Awarded $1,000 Future Farmers of America Scholarship
  • 2016: 1st place - Livestock Showmanship
  • 2018: Member of Pre-Veterinarian Medicine Club
  • 2019-2021: Fundraiser Chairman for Pre-Veterinarian Medicine Club
  • 2018: Named to the Tarrant County College Dean's List (Spring Semester)
  • 2019-2021: Member of Leading Innovation Venture Entrepreneurship
  • 2020-2021: Mentor for Sisters Improving Sisterhood
  • 2020-2021: 3X Consecutive Dean & Honor’s List
  • 2021: Graduated from Prairie View A&M University
  • 2023: Recognized as the Top Parasitology Aide of the Month

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