
From University Innovation Fellows
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  1. Welcome attendees, make them feel at home and explain the high level idea of the unconference (you may refer to the text in the intro here to do so, and contrast a traditional conference and an unconference;)
  2. explain the rules of interaction/movement for everyone to be on the same page. This is best done by doing a demo (from which you may need the assistance of a couple of volunteers). You can demonstrate first how NOT to apply the Rule of The Two Feet (essentially interrupting the conversation and apologizing before leaving), and then how to do it (just leaving;)
  3. help create the agenda (aka "The Wall"). Provide large post-it notes (or sheets of paper), and markers; and invite anyone who wants to propose a topic to headline it on a post-it, and form a line. Once everyone is ready, each person in line will read out their topic to the whole group, and hand the post it to the facilitator(s), who will assign it to a room (or easel/whiteboard). This will be done by placing the post-it on a pre-arranged grid on a wall or board (*). The facilitator(s) may combine topics that are similar (with the express agreement of the proponents). This also helps if there are more proposed topics than spaces (in any case it's always good to have a couple additional spaces or boards/easels at hand.) Once the agenda has been created, the facilitator will announce the beginning of the unconference (and they can participate in whichever conversation they are interested in.) (**)
  4. At the end of the unconference time (note that there could be one or several time blocks), the facilitator(s) will moderate the shareout from the groups that are still standing and want to share.