Fellow:Siddharth Rao
Siddharth Rao, better known as Sid, is a University Innovation Fellow and a Computer Science and Information Technology dual major at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Sid is a man of many interests, including entrepreneurship, education, technology, music, and more. After being born in Cincinnati, Ohio, he's moved around quite a bit - living in India for a number of years, Scotland, New Jersey, Southern California, Northern California, and now going to school in upstate New York. He was exposed to entrepreneurship while at a summer progoram during high school, and ever since then he's been a big advocate of entrepreneurship and what it entails.
At RPI, Sid is a member of the Rensselaer Center for Open Source, where he has worked on some open source projects (you can find his Github here), is the Project Manager of Rensselaer Formula Hybrid - a team that builds and races a hybrid formula one racecar, and is a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity - a fraternity founded on values based leadership.
Outside of class and extracurriculars, Sid likes to play basketball (intramural champion!), listen to music, DJ, and talk to all sorts of people. He loves to track data about his life, such as the amount of internship applcations put out vs the amount that get responses, the amount of time he spends listening to music (over a month every year), and how many hours he has on certain video games. He loves to travel and try any type of food, especially if it's spicy. He wants to make an impact on his community, and UIF is just one of many ways that he is.
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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Student Priorities
University Innovation Fellows
Fall 2018:
Gabriella Fantell
Siddharth Rao
Fall 2017:
Spring 2017:
Spring 2016:
Spring 2014:
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