School:Universitas Terbuka
Universitas Terbuka (UT) is the 45th State University in Indonesia that implements an open and distance learning system to all Indonesian citizens including those who lives in remote island through out the country as well as the various part of the world. It has more than 350.000 students. UT was inaugurated on September 4, 1984, based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 41 of 1984. UT has 4 Faculties, namely Faculty of Economics (FE), Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences (FHISIP), Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), ang Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) for Diploma and Bachelor levels. Since 2004, UT has opened a Masters level in the Postgraduate Program and since 2019, UT has opened a Doctoral program.
According to a distance education institution in United Kingdom, Universitas Terbuka including the top 10 mega university and has the 3rd rank after the similar university in China and Turkey. Universitas Terbuka is focusing on educating people who for various reasons including lack of funding, rural isolation and full-time employment who do not have time and opportunity to attend face to face higher education. Universitas Terbuka has also been awarded by ICDE (International Council of Distance Education), ISA (International Standard Agency), ISO, and accredited by the national higher standard (BAN-PT).
Besides providing education for all, Universitas Terbuka also has various programs to promote and support student innovation and entrepreneurship. Several programs that have been running, such as LSM UPI for Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lomba Inovasi Digital Mahasiswa (LIDM) Universitas Terbuka and Kompetisi Mahasiswa Nasional bidang Ilmu Bisnis, Manajemen, dan Keuangan (KBMK) 2021. In addition to the programs and competition above, there are also several skills training programs aimed at improving one of the skills needed in a specific field of study, such as Technical Guidance for Urban Agriculture Aquaponics. There are also the latest program that have recently been running, namely the "Micro-Credential Model for Competency Development of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia" in collaboration with the ICE institute, collaborative program with Bangkit from Google, and Merdeka Belajar launched by the Indonesian Ministry of Education which aims to support interest and hone talents possessed by students of Universitas Terbuka.
Universitas Terbuka also known for its facilities in accomodating the faculties to improve their innovation and entrepreneurship through some programs such as LIP-KMN for Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, DISPORSENI UT, and workshops such as "Menerapkan Design Thinking dan Noble Purpose dan Unique Selling Proposition Sebagai Langkah Awal Mula Bisnis". Universitas Terbuka believes that these programs are very important because it will help faculties and all the students be more creative and innovative . In the future, Universitas Terbuka plans to hold another programs and reach students as many as possible to join its programs in hope that not only will the students graduate with knowledge but also innovation and skills in entrepreneurship.
Inaugurating graduates with international standard is one of the essential purpose of Universitas Terbuka, alongside collaborates with ICE institute and Bangkit program from Google, Universitas Terbuka also facilitates University-Industry Collaboration. Several other programs that had been run by Universitas Terbuka include holding a series of webinars and talk shows for the Faculty of Tourism by inviting lecturers from various universities even from the tourism industry itself and conducting a series of "Impact of Economic Reset and Digital Disruption on Sustainability of Accounting Profession" for the Department of Accounting. These example of direct University-Industry Collaboration are expected to make the most out of students so they can graduate with an excellent international standard based on the real needs of our current environment.
Universitas Terbuka realizes that it is necessary to engage with regional and local economic development by making some efforts. Some of the efforts made by Universitas Terbuka are conducting Accounting and Economic Development Series with STIE Jakarta & Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia, organizing (The 3rd) International Seminar on Business, Economics, Social Science and Technology (ISBEST) 2020 and also (The 6th) Annual International Conference on Economic in Developing Countries (AICEDC). These programs have been followed by many students especially from Faculty of Economic since it offers certificates other benefits not only for their academic but also their career. Even though it's supposedly aims student from economic background, the programs are still open for all students from another faculties.
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