School:Towson University

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Towson University - Stephens Hall.jpg

Towson University (TU) is located in Towson, Maryland on the east coast of the United States. Founded in 1866, it is now home to over 20,000 students in approximately 200 different programs (undergraduate and graduate). Known not only for its rich academic tradition but also for its vibrant and thriving innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Nestled in the heart of the Baltimore metropolitan area, Towson University's campus serves as a dynamic hub for aspiring entrepreneurs, innovative thinkers, and collaborative ventures.

Towson University (TU) supports Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) through multiple facets of academic programs, professional development opportunities, community involvement, and more. Home to StarTUp at the Armory, TU’s front door for start-ups, small businesses, as well as the region's largest corporations.

Promoting student innovation and entrepreneurship

Innovation in Academics

Innovation and entrepreneurship are woven into Towson's academic fabric. Students from various disciplines can engage in entrepreneurship courses, hackathons, and innovation challenges. The university encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering a culture of creative problem-solving.

Student Organizations

Towson University boasts a vibrant community of student-led entrepreneurship and innovation clubs, such as the Entrepreneurship Club and the Towson University Makerspace Club. These organizations offer networking opportunities, workshops, and hands-on experiences.

Resources for Innovation

The campus provides state-of-the-art resources to support innovation, including 3D printing facilities, and dedicated research labs. These facilities empower students and faculty to turn ideas into prototypes and products.

Encouraging faculty innovation and entrepreneurship

eTU Council

A council composed of faculty and staff to support the universities strategic initiative surrounding creating opportunities for entrepreneurship and developing and strengthening entrepreneurship across TU.

Actively supporting the university technology transfer function

School of Emerging Technologies

TU’s School of Emerging Technologies works to advance interdisciplinary and collaborative educational and research programs that address the development, application, implications and ramifications of emerging technologies.

Facilitating university-industry collaboration

Towson University actively collaborates with local businesses, government entities, and nonprofit organizations to create a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem. Key partnerships include the Baltimore County Chamber of Commerce, TEDCO (Maryland Technology Development Corporation), and the Baltimore County Department of Economic and Workforce Development.

Innovation Centers and Hubs

The StarTUp Accelerator: At the core of Towson's innovation landscape, the accelerator provides a supportive environment for startups and early-stage businesses. As an eight-week program, it offers resources, mentorship, and office space for entrepreneurs, fostering a culture of innovation.The StarTUp Accelerator targets both TU-affiliated and non-affiliated founders seeking to grow their ventures and who have begun to introduce services or products into the market.

The BTU (Baltimore-Towson University) - Partnerships for Greater Baltimore: This collaborative workspace brings together students, faculty, and industry professionals to work on real-world projects. It serves as a bridge between academia and industry, nurturing creativity and innovation.

Startup Success Stories

Towson University has seen several startup success stories emerge from its entrepreneurial ecosystem. Graduates have gone on to launch companies in various industries, contributing to the growth of the regional economy.

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About Towson University - learn more about the universities I&E history and current achievements