School:Pontificia universidad catolica del Peru

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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) is a leading university located in Lima, Peru. It was founded on March 24, 1917, and has established itself as one of the top universities in Latin America. The PUCP's mission is to provide a comprehensive education, combining academic excellence with a commitment to ethical values and social responsibility. It follows Peruvian higher education standards while also adhering to its Catholic identity and values.


The main objectives of the PUCP are:

  • Academic Excellence
  • Research and Innovation
  • Social Responsibility and Outreach


  • Academic Staff: Over 3,000 professors
  • Students: More than 25,000
  • Undergraduates: Approximately 20,000
  • Postgraduates: Around 5,000

Promoting Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The PUCP actively encourages student innovation and entrepreneurship through various programs and initiatives. Students can explore innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) opportunities by taking part in courses, competitions, and projects organized by different university centers and faculties. One of the leading hubs for I&E at the PUCP is the Centro de Innovación y Desarrollo Emprendedor (CIDE), which supports students in developing their business ideas from conception to execution.

CIDE offers workshops, mentoring programs, and seed funding opportunities to help students create and grow their startups. In addition, the university hosts various entrepreneurship competitions, where students from diverse disciplines can collaborate and showcase their innovative solutions to real-world problems.

Students can also benefit from other initiatives like PUCP's technology transfer office, which helps translate academic research into marketable products and services. PUCP fosters a multidisciplinary environment, encouraging collaboration between engineering, business, and social science students to create impactful ventures.

Encouraging Faculty Innovation and Entrepreneurship

At PUCP, faculty members are encouraged to pursue innovation both inside and outside the classroom. The university promotes the development of entrepreneurial skills among faculty through specialized programs and partnerships with industry. Professors from different faculties work with students on research projects that have the potential to become scalable business ventures.

The university's research centers, like the Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP), often partner with industries to solve contemporary challenges. This partnership between faculty and industry fosters innovation and creates opportunities for technology transfer and entrepreneurship among faculty members.

Actively Supporting the University Technology Transfer Function

PUCP provides numerous resources to support the transfer of technology and knowledge between academia and industry. The university's Office of Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property (OTTIP) is a key player in this process, working closely with faculty and students to patent their inventions and bring them to market. OTTIP also connects researchers with investors and companies interested in commercializing academic research.

Through collaborations with national and international organizations, PUCP has successfully helped launch startups that stem from academic research. These efforts not only benefit the university but also contribute to Peru's economic development by fostering innovation-driven businesses.

Facilitating University-Industry Collaboration

PUCP is committed to strengthening the relationship between academia and industry. The university collaborates with businesses and organizations in various fields, from engineering and technology to health sciences and social development. These collaborations are designed to bridge the gap between research and market needs, providing students and faculty with real-world experiences and opportunities for innovation.

One example is PUCP's collaboration with industries in the energy and environmental sectors, where the university's research centers work on sustainable technologies and solutions. PUCP also offers internships and practical training programs in collaboration with leading companies, giving students the chance to apply their knowledge in professional settings.

Engaging with Regional and Local Economic Development Efforts

PUCP plays an active role in contributing to regional and local economic development. Through its entrepreneurship and innovation programs, the university helps foster a culture of innovation in Peru. Initiatives such as CIDE and the OTTIP work to develop startups that address local challenges while also having the potential for global impact.

Additionally, PUCP collaborates with government agencies and non-profit organizations to promote sustainable economic development. By connecting academic research with practical applications, PUCP contributes to the growth of various sectors, including technology, energy, and social innovation, ultimately improving the quality of life in the region.