Resource talk:How to promote social entrepreneurship on campus?

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I believe Social Entrepreneurship to be on top of the things that students should learn at every stage of their education, but specially at College as Universities hand over various tools and instances that can help people develop this kind of projects. I also believe that as things are right now, every project to be undertaken must have a social impact or consideration, as people now know how interconnected communities and needs are. This post about how to promote social entrepreneurship enlightened me to seek ways to inspire my school community to consider social needs and opportunities in their own views and projects. I hope to be able to use this simple guide to lead others in to see how easy can be to start their own social ventures.

Resource Talk: How to promote Social Entrepreneurship on campus?

We can promote social entrepreneurship on campus by educating students on the topic of social entrepreneurship. People are knowledgeable about entrepreneurship, but not many people are aware of social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship grants students the opportunity to create solutions tackling social issues/topics for profit. There are business owners on campus who are interested in activism. Raising awareness about social entrepreneurship to those students could promote social entrepreneurship on campus.


An Entrepreneurial Mindset enhances a student's education by teaching them perseverance, creativity, problem solving and collaboration so that they can identify problems and find solutions. And coming to Social Entrepreneurship, although it might refer to for-profit company, the core belief is to solving issues in the society while generating profits. Social Entrepreneurship is very much essential in today's world as it provides access to employment, food and various other services to those who are in need. It fosters a more equitable society by addressing the social issues and trying to achieve ongoing sustainable impact through their social mission rather than purely profit-maximization. I personally liked the objectives of the startup companies like "Thread and SEEDS". SO getting habituated to the social entrepreneur mindset should be started in the age of schooling itself. Schools should take extra care on this by linking their curriculum to the real world business challenges, creating opportunities for students to participate in Social Entrepreneur contests. A great way to encourage students to become social entrepreneurs is by actually showing them what kind of impact they would have. This helps students in creating a strong entrepreneur mindset.

Bernardita´s view

Social Entrepreneurship (SE) reveals itself as a great opportunity to carried out changes in society, the environment and all of the world. Changes that are always stuck in dreams. People believe that that their contribution will be insignificant and that it will not cause any changes, so why try so hard then. However, if no one wants to do a slight change in their neighborhood, town or country, there will never be a big transformation in the world. On the other hand, if we all contribute, we can do something really important. So, yes, the SE can make a big impact on society and on our culture. Also, for the entrepreneur it is a gain that is worthwhile considering, because “the core belief is to contribute to solving issues in the society while generating profit.” Today, companies compete in their value proposal. The thing is “why” you offer that, not only “what” you offer. In our generation, there has been an increase in the interest in helping others. Finally, this post is just about what I needed to define as to “why” I am here. I hope that this help us, as a team, to foster students to launch SE startups.

Bernardita Arze / Universidad de los Andes, Chile