Resource talk:How to engage first year students in design thinking

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I find interesting this resource because engaging students is a challenging activity, especially when we are referring to freshmen students. As it says: "To attain the maximum participation of students in the event, scheduling events in the late afternoon has proven beneficial for gathering a small crowd. Free food often will entice those students on the fence and possibly even some students that have no idea what design thinking is all about...". The students behind this movement need to make a strategy and they also use real life problems to solve it in this course. 

Meghan Oddy Response

I found this article very helpful because I am currently planning on starting a program to engage first year students. While my plan is more of a Capstone project for students, as opposed to an event, I still was able to get some ideas from this article. I specifically liked how the relationship with faculty and the importance of having an idea space was discussed.

Emily Tuchtenhagen Response

I enjoyed reading this article because it touched on ideas that you may not think of. Getting everyone involved in design thinking will get first year students involved, this article mentions the importance of getting upperclassmen support!