Resource talk:How to design a diversity workshop for your innovation community

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I find that diversity in crucial to a work environment. It's important to have these workshops at least once a year with the corporation or university. There has been times where my bosses haven't been respectful to my culture and I've gotten mean comments about the food I used to bring during lunch. It was humiliating and I know other people feel the same way about it. Starting difficult conversations and educating each other of proper etiquette will create comfortable places to work.

In Nebraska, our campus highlights a ton of diversity but when it comes down to using students in advertising it can start to become offensive. I am in student government and I've heard some students say that UNO only uses them for advertising for recruitment purposes but never highlights them during leadership events or campus activities. By giving students a place to work together and explore different experiences within the university it can open room for improvement and if staff particulate it can create better learning environments.

At my university, diversity is something that has been highlighted in the past few years, and I feel that this is due to rising movements such as Black Lives Matter. University administration has developed task forces aimed at targeting diverse students to attend college, but personally, I do not feel that this is enough. We must be able to come together and create dialogues where everyone feels welcome so that people of different backgrounds feel that they have the platform to speak their voice. Workshops are a great way to target this message, but workshops are not the final solution to solving this problem.

Having a diversified environment is very important because everyone thinks in a different way and if we could join all our different thoughts and work together I believe that we can do wonders.