Priorities:Tuskegee University Student Priorities
Tuskegee University Student I&E Priorities
Tuskegee University is a place deeply rooted in history and heritage. It is one of the top producers of black engineers, recipients of doctorate degrees and veterinarians. Founded in 1881, Tuskegee University has a legacy of excellence in learning; a leading role in the advancement of colored people. However, it has been lacking in the areas of innovation and entrepreneurship when educating its students. This deficiency will be corrected with the initiation of the innovation and entrepreneurship movement (IEM) led by a team of students and faculty, through collaboration with APLU, NCIIA, and University Innovation Fellows.
Strategy 1: “Encouraging Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship through Organized Discussion”
Student Organizations dedicated to encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship will lead to an increase of interest in I&E activity on campus. Peer-to-peer interaction with support from the university and faculty will serve as the basis of the new initiative.
Tactic 1- The formation of the Research and Innovation Student Center (RISC)
An official student organization which aims to cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial minds on campus. This would be a dedicated space for innovative thinkers and researchers to meet, discuss, brainstorm, and create new ideas. The organization would also engage in on campus outreach that will raise awareness of I&E activities. innovative leaders will be invited in order to discuss experiences and give feedback into students ideas and research. A faculty advisor from the leadership circle members will serve as the link between the students and university.
Strategy 2: “Changing Our Cultural Mindset of Scientific Discovery”
The IEM at Tuskegee University is in the forming stage. Student and faculty participants are currently generating ideas and forming collaborations to support this initiative. The tactics listed below make up the strategy of the IEM at Tuskegee University, which will take place over the course of at least 2 years.
Tactic 1- The Creation of the Network of Innovators and Entrepreneurs (NIE)
Members of the leadership circle will collaborate to form a network of innovators and entrepreneurs that will support and advance the movement on campus, through voluntary or monetary commitments. This network will function to educate students on innovative ideas, and opportunities in the STEM fields. Members of this network will consist of Tuskegee University alumni and friends, community members, local and regional businessmen; inventors and innovators.
Tactic 2- Establishment of NIE as an Official University Organization
Communication and compliance with the university policies will occur in order to establish NIE as an official university club/organization. As an official university organization, NIE will be able to host student functions on campus, recruit additional followers to the movement, significantly increase the student body’s awareness of I&E, participate in university functions like Open House for prospective students, and establish a technology office or student space on campus. The function of the NIE club will be to host weekly meetings, host I&E events, utilize strategic resources to advance the IEM, recruit students, generate funding, educate students and the community about I&E, talk about the commercialization of ideas and related areas of interest.
Tactic 3- Creation of a Technology Office and/or Maker Space
The creation of a technology office and/or maker space will give students and faculty a meeting place for all things pertaining to innovation and entrepreneurship. This will help increase the commercialization of faculty and student research projects, allow students to design and create prototypes of their ideas, and give the NIE a space to host its functions.
Again, Tuskegee is currently laying the foundation of its I&E movement and will continue to build strategies and tactics for advancing this movement to meet the goal of changing our cultural mindset of scientific discovery.
Strategy 3: "Develop Innovation and Entrepreneurship Courses"
Tactic 1- Design Lecture and Laboratory courses in I&E
We will work with faculty and administrators to create new coursework and add I&E courses to the university course catalog.
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