Priorities:Pontificia universidad catolica del Peru Student Priorities

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Cohort 2023

Strategy 1: Innovation Route - "How to Be an Innovator and don't die in the attempt"

The "PUCP Innovation Route" is a comprehensive kit designed to guide students through their journey of innovation. Available in both digital and physical formats, it offers a practical and motivational roadmap divided into key stages, from identifying problems to developing effective solutions and implementing them.

Contents of the Kit:

  • Step-by-step guide: How to identify innovation opportunities, formulate ideas, design prototypes, and validate solutions.
  • Personalized resources: Information on innovation programs, labs, mentoring, and workshops both within PUCP and from external partners.
  • Practical advice: Agile tools, innovation methodologies, and a resource map.
  • Challenges and competitions: Recommendations on how to participate in national and international innovation competitions and the best strategies for tackling complex problems with creative solutions

Strategy 2: Innovation Platform PUCP - "Connect Innovators"

The "Connect Innovators" platform at PUCP is a digital space designed to centralize and showcase all the key players in the university's innovation ecosystem. Its goal is to foster collaboration and networking among students, faculty, researchers, and external partners, uniting efforts around innovation and entrepreneurship.

Key Components:

  • Directory of groups and initiatives: Students can explore all the groups, programs, labs, and research centers related to innovation at PUCP.
  • Calendar of activities and events: Stay updated on all innovation activities, talks, fairs, and workshops, both on and off campus.
  • Connections: The platform also facilitates contact with mentors, experts, and peers from various disciplines, creating opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.

Strategy 3: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair - "Passport to Innovation"

The "PUCP Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair" is an event where students can discover all the initiatives, programs, and resources available to entrepreneurs and innovators within the university and from external partners.

Event Dynamics:

  • Passport to Innovation: Each student will receive a "passport" that they must take to the various stands at the fair. For every initiative or group they learn about, they will receive a stamp in their passport.
  • Innovation Stands: These will be hosted by representatives from various research centers, incubators, innovation labs, entrepreneurship clubs, and external companies allied with PUCP.
  • Interactive activities: Hands-on workshops, talks with prominent innovators, idea competitions, and networking opportunities.
  • Participation rewards: Students who complete the fair and collect all the stamps in their passport will be eligible for win various prizes

Strategy 4: Student Organization for Innovation - "Breakout Community"

"Breakout Community" is a new student organization dedicated to guiding students on their journey toward innovation, providing support and resources to help them generate impactful projects both inside and outside the university.