Priorities:Morehouse College Student Priorities

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Strategy 1

Strategic Priority #1

Equity and Inclusion Initiatives

UIF 2023 fellows will fundamentally reshape the campus culture by prioritizing equity and inclusion, creating a more welcoming and supportive environment for students, faculty, and staff. This shift attracts a broader range of talent, fostering creativity and innovation. It will enhance our reputation as an institution committed to social justice and equality, making us a magnet for like-minded individuals. By taking these steps, we will strengthen our campus community and contribute positively to society at large, preparing our students to lead in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.


- Establish Affinity Groups on Campus:

Purpose: Affinity groups, such as student organizations based on shared identities or interests, provide safe spaces for students to connect, share experiences, and offer mutual support.

Implementation: We will encourage forming affinity groups representing various ethnicities, gender identities, and cultural backgrounds. The institution will provide funding and resources to help these groups organize events, workshops, and discussions that promote inclusivity and cultural exchange.

Increase Scholarship Opportunities for Underrepresented Students

Purpose: Expanding scholarship opportunities is a foresighted step toward addressing financial barriers that limit individuals' access to education for underrepresented groups. Scholarships also serve as an emphatic incentive for attracting diverse talent.

Implementation: Develop targeted scholarship programs to support underrepresented students, including those from marginalized racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and LGBTQ+ backgrounds. This inaitive will assit us in collaborating with donors, alums, and organizations dedicated to diversity and inclusion to secure funding for these scholarships.

Create a Centralized Reporting Mechanism for Incidents of Discrimination or Bias:

Purpose: This initiative will help provide a structured and confidential way for campus community members to report incidents.

Implementation: The UIF Fellows and Morehouse College will develop a user-friendly online platform where students, faculty, and staff can report incidents of discrimination, bias, and harassment.

Strategic Priority #2

Campus Sustainability and Green Initiatives

Over the next 2-4 years, UIF Fellows will significantly reduce Morehouse College's environmental footprint and position Morehouse as a leader in sustainable higher education. This will involve a holistic approach, including waste reduction programs and sustainable landscaping. By committing to sustainability, we align ourselves with global efforts to combat climate change and create a healthier and more inspiring campus environment for our students and faculty. This will allow us to send a powerful message to our West-End community and the world that we are dedicated to responsible stewardship of our planet and committed to preparing our students to be environmentally conscious leaders in their respective fields.


Develop a Plan to Reduce the Campus's Environmental Footprint

Purpose: Our plan to reducing Morehouse College's environmental footprint will outline specific goals, strategies, and timelines for achieving sustainability targets.

Implementation: The UIF Fellows will establish a sustainability Task Force comprising students, faculty, staff, and experts in environmental sustainability. This group of individuals will develop a sustainability plan with measurable objectives, such as reducing energy consumption and increasing recycling rates.

Encourage Eco-Friendly Transportation Options:

Purpose: UIF Fellows will partner with Morehouse College to promote eco-friendly transportation options and reduce carbon emissions and congestion on campus. Implementation: There will be dedicated bike lanes, secure bike storage, and bike-sharing programs on campus and onside the streets surrounding our campus to encourage cycling as a sustainable mode of transportation.

Enhance and Renew the Community Garden:

Purpose: The Morehouse College community garden is an educational tool that will enhance and renew the campus and foster community engagement.

Implementation: By investing in the garden's infrastructure, we will engage students and faculty in gardening activities, offering courses or workshops on sustainable farming practices. We will collaborate with the West End community to expand the garden's impact.

Strategic Priority #3

Alumni Engagement and Philanthropy

The strategic priority of Alumni Engagement and Philanthropy, known as Morehouse Alumni Connect, is a cornerstone of Morehouse College's long-term success. This initiative will cultivate strong ties with our alum community to sustain and enhance the Morehouse experience. Through Alumni Connect and ongoing support, we are preserving our rich heritage and forging a path toward an even brighter future for our institution and the generations of scholars we are privileged to serve.


Create an Alumni Ongoing Database to Keep Alums Informed and Connected:

Purpose: Establishing a comprehensive and up-to-date alum database is fundamental for adequate engagement. This will enable the college to maintain consistent communication with alumni, share updates on campus developments, and foster a sense of belonging among graduates without having to worry about miscommunication

Implementation: Investing in a robust alum database management system that allows for easy updates and alum segmentation based on factors like graduation year, location, and professional interests. We will constantly collect and update contact information through UIF Fellows alum outreach campaigns.

Develop Mentorship and Networking Programs Within the Alumni-Chapter:

Purpose: Facilitating mentorship and networking opportunities among alums is a meaningful way to strengthen the alum community's bonds and support recent graduates consistently and efficiently

Implementation: Mentorship programs where experienced alumni can provide guidance and career advice to recent graduates is invaluable. We will organize regular alumni-chapter meetings or virtual networking events that offer alums a chance to network, discuss shared interests, and build professional relationships.

Host Consistent Regional Alumni Events to Foster a Sense of Community Beyond Campus:

Purpose: The alum community beyond campus boundaries is critical for maintaining lifelong connections with Morehouse College.

Implementation: We will organize a regular calendar of regional alumni events ranging from networking mixers and professional development seminars to cultural gatherings and volunteer activities.

Create or Update Your Campus Overview Based On These Five Criteria

Session 3