Organization:Startup Commons
Startup Commons is an organization that helps others facilitate a efficient enviroment for their startup. They aim to make the ecosystem of the startup organized and focused on "innovation, entrepreneruship, talen, finance, policy, and international connections". They have alot of experience assisting different government systems in diffrent parts of the world as well as 6 years of startup ecosystem research and develeopment. They have a good foundation to help others build their startups domestically and internationally.
Entreprenuership is a large of any economy and helps increase the amount of technological innovation that is happening - which they claim pushes societies forward. By allowing people a space in which to organize their ideas they help drive that desire to find solutions to today's problems for a better tomorrow.
Distinct Differences From Other Offerings
This company has a wide range of skills and experience among the team. Many of them are entreprenerus themselves and have worked in government or economic development. Having this kind of foundation and network can be important when looking into a startup because sometimes it is about the people that you now. Also having an organized platform among the team that is attempting to do a startup will help them efficiently and effectively move forward.
Impact Achieved For Students and Campus
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Notes About How This Resource is Deployed
The Startup Commons Resource is deployed via online Software as a Service (SaaS) digital solution. Startup Commons has a build in SaaS portal on to their hope page with many technical resources. Their services include a Information Hub Ecosystem Portal, Portable User Accounts, as well as online key performance indicator Business Planning tools. Each other these services offer a different set of skills in relevant functional areas of a start up. Some of the software's include business and financial planning as well as end-user accessable websites. Overal,, Startup Commons' digital services help drive innovation and entrepreneurship in our 21st century world.
Steps Required To Bring Resource to Campus
Currently they have something called the Startup Ecosystem Scouts which is a program that aims to educate univeristy students about economic development, startup ecosystems and research. Qualifications mostly involve an interest in this area and while they have target cities it is possible to reach out to them to start a SES team in your city. The application is on their website for Spring 2018:
Contact Information
They are located at: One Market Plaza, Spear Tower,
36th Floor, CA 94105, San Francisco
They do not have a phone number or email listed on their site that I was able to find under the contact page. The best way to contact them is to send them a message through the form they have including your email and a short message.