Fellow:Basant Helal

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Basant Helal is a university innovation fellow and an undergraduate student studying architecture in Abu Dhabi University (ADU). Basant is originally

from Cairo, Egypt where she lived until 2014 and then moved to continue her high school at the International School of Choueifat (ISC) and higher education at Abu Dhabi University (AD campus). In her second semester in the first year at ADU, she got introduced to the UIF.

From a young age Basant has always been interested in art, design and singing. During her high school years, she was an active member of the Student Life Organization Department which works on all kinds of events and programs to improve students’ experience and enhance the learning process. She was a shadow teacher for many subjects and an active mentor who enjoyed explaining the study material to students. She was also head of the Decoration Department which takes all the projects related to preparing posters, boards and all kinds of decorations for the school corridors and halls. She also helped in organizing events like Talent Shows, Green Day, Recruitment Day and National and International Days. She also participated in school events by giving speeches. Overall, she enjoys helping others and motivating them to become the best version of themselves.

Basant is passionate about bringing change to her campus and everyone in her life to make them feel better and enhance their experience.----