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Radicand is a consulting design firm that was founded in 2012, and is focused on designing, prototyping, and developing new ideas for entrepreneurs and companies alike. Radicand specializes in hardware startup products, and supports the innovative and entrepreneurial community. Upon joining their shared community, members have access to their rapid prototyping facility as well as computer design aids and networks.


Radicand is focused on bringing early-phase hardware startup designs to life from designing, to building, to launching a product so that new innovations can start making an impact in people’s daily lives sooner.

Distinct Differences From Other Offerings

Radicand provides design and rapid development services and tools for innovators, established companies, startups, and entrepreneurs to bring their concepts to life, and quickly. However, it also hosts meet ups and provides a platform for these groups to interact, network, learn, and inspire each other.

Impact Achieved For Students and Campus

Radicand is located in California and has a well developed network of entrepreneurs, companies, and innovators. For any universities with Student Startup challenges, or programs that encourage student innovation and entrepreneurship, this company could provide valuable networking, advice, tools, and services to students or faculty looking to develop their ideas. Radicand also hosts many events that could serve as valuable publicity, networking, and learning experiences for teams with a new idea and the drive to bring it to life. Additionally, members have access to the Radicand prototyping lab, which provides an innovative space to design, build, test ideas. Radicand also offers consulting and design thinking services.

Steps Required To Bring Resource to Campus

For more information about Radicand product development, call +1 (415) 655-9748. For more information about Radicand co-working, meetups, and design thinking, call +1(650) 716-5789.

Contact Information

To contact the staff at Radicand regarding consulting, projects and proposals, membership, events email the Radicand staff at: Or check out their website at


Madeline Horinek