Fellow:Chris Dagher

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School: Boise State University

What he does now: Studies Engineering PLUS at Boise State, is starting up a robotics firm, is the student lead for the Make it! VIP working with PlasticWorks, a plastic recycling initiative in Boise, and is a student employee in the Boise State Makerlab.

Contact him about: Pitching to investors, networking, finding university stakeholders, robotics, makerspaces in schools, following your passions!

Email: christopherdaghe@u.boisestate.edu

Chris is an undergraduate student at Boise State pursuing a degree in Engineering PLUS, a new more flexible engineering degree offered by the university. School has never really satisfied him, so he also has lots of things happening on the side. He has a broad educational background that included public schools in the greater New York City area, a boarding school in Maine, taking a break to live in the woods for a while, and finally finishing high school in a small town in Idaho before coming to Boise State. Seeing the various ways that education was implemented across the country inspired him to question why we do things the way we do. When the opportunity to become a University Innovation Fellow came about, he excitedly jumped on board eager to spur change in higher ed.