Fellow:Mehmet Alp Demircioğlu

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Alp Demircioglu pp.jpeg
Mehmet Alp Demircioğlu
School (Cohort)
Middle East Technical University (2024 cohort)
Majoring in
Electrical Electronics Engineering


I am a junior Electrical Electronics Engineering student at Middle East Technical University and an ambitious researcher. Except for the summers I live in Ankara, Turkey. I was born in Amasya, a small city in the central black sea region. Currently, I am working at a research lab focusing on optical computing. In my previous research experiences, I liked writing simulations and admired how computation and communication systems work. I believe my journey to become a curious engineer/scientist is inspiring in the context of progress and chasing satisfaction in life and the results. Just find the joy of expertise and want to spread it by creating/developing ecosystems that innovate the way peworks work for every individual.


Social media profiles

personal website: https://www.alpdemircioglu.com linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mehmet-alp-demircioglu/