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Jacob is a University Innovation Fellow and a  Biomedical Engineering major with an Economics minor at the University of Delaware. Upon graduation, he intends to obtain a graduate degree in Economics or work in Equity Research. Having a close relativesuffer from herniated spinal discs and consequent surgeries, Jake is passionate about finding ways to eradicate these pains experienced by millions. He is pursuing this through surgical medicine or investing in products that advance existing treatments in a positive direction. Jacob also believes that learning is best achieved through experience, not just lecture. That is why it is his goal to bring a learning environment to the University of Delaware which utilizes problem-based learning and maker spaces to work throughthese projects.At the University of Delaware, Jacob is involved in a student run investment fund which manages $1.8 mm of the schools endowment. He is the leader of the group that focuses in Healthcare Equities and actively manages ~14% of the overall protfolio. In addition to this, his summer internships in Private Equity and Quantitative Equity Research, Jacob manages his own portfolio - a hobby since he was 10 years old.