Fellow:Peter Puleo
http://universityinnovation.org/images/a/a3/Peterpuleoheadshot.png Peter Puleo is a University Innovation Fellow at Bucknell University, currently in his Junior year
pursuing a five-year dual degree program in Mechanical Engineering and Business. Originally from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Peter grew up with two older brothers that instilled in him a love of learning and helping others. Sharing their passion for science, Peter entered Bucknell in 2012 studying engineering. He soon also began studying business i
n the School of Manage
ment. Intent on discovering a way to develop and maintain connections across disciplines, Peter co-founded the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Affinity Housing Program (E&I) in 2013. The E&I House continues to promote multidisciplinary interaction outside of the classroom and encourages students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset on Bucknell’s campus.
Please feel free to contact Peter via email at pwp004@bucknell.edu