Priorities:Peking University student priorities

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I.Online I&E Platform

II. PBL Workshop

III.  Promote Innovative Educational Methodologies at PKU

IV. Platform for Internship & Skill Sharing


I.Direction/Methodology Research
A.Undergraduate Focus Groups/Survey
B.Evaluation mechanism
II.Academic Agenda + Course Design
A.Syllabus of readings and lectures
B.Cache of exercises/asssignments
C.Capstone project setup/resources
III.Administrative Processes
A.Credit breakdown and coordinating
B.Course scheduling/logistics
IV.Awareness + Promotion
A.Pop-up events
B.Media channels/newsletters
C.Incentives and corporate partners
V.Summer Session Beta Testing
A.Pre-frosh outreach
B.Execution and feedback
VI.Content Procurement
A.Guest Lecturers
B.Site Visits
VII.Student Selection Process
A.Application design and evaluators
B.Timeline of selection

Projects of 2019

#Project 1 Online I&E Platform(Yongkang Li in charge)

#1.1 Introduction

Here we get a platform for students who are willing to make an I&E project but can not find other students to form a strong team as well as students who are willing to make a difference but do not know what to do.

We plan to build a platfrom where project leaders can push out recruitment notices and students interested in that project can apply for it.

In this way, we build a bridge between sources and needs. Students who have great ability as well as innovation spirit always have ideas. Problems are that they maybe can not realize it alone. And there are other students majoring in that exact aspect and eager to practice their skills. We will be glad to see that they can help each other.

#1.2 Strategy

Many courses require student to cooperate with each other and we may try to persuade teachers to encourage people to use this platform which will help teachers as well as students. We may contact with teacher directly or meet with dean.

During cooperation, some students hold some really bad attitude. For example, they never get involved into discussion but doing their own homework or they just never reply your requirment and message. Some students have bad habits such as never finish theri work until deadline. We provide a platform where students can rate each other and make comments anonymously so that students will know if you are a good collaborator. As many students hate to be cheated by these students, we may use that to advertise our platform.

Above are strategies are supposed to get this app on track, and we believe once it have a user base, it will develop really fast.

#1.3 Blueprint

We are willing to build a positive feedback ecosystem where students can help each other start entrepreneurship or research and achieve bigger.

Also, this will perform as a credit reporting mechanism which help positive collaborator perform better and force those dawdling guys with bad attitude or habits to perform well. Thus we will successfully form a health I&E ecosystem!

<parsererror style="display: block; white-space: pre; border: 2px solid #c77; padding: 0 1em 0 1em; margin: 1em; background-color: #fdd; color: black"> Project 2: Platform for Internship & Skill Sharing Platform

Project 2 PBL Workshop ( Nicole Wang in charge )

This workshop consists of three parts. general understanding, define problem, conduct project. Students should join the workshop for a semester. The first month they would go to lectures, meet professors. And form a deliverable showing their understanding of knowledge, in a structured way. The second month they would join meetings and seminars with entrepreneurs and executives,analyze their strengths and passion. Then define their problem. The third month students would form teams and conduct a project. Note that their project does not to be real. It’s only to arise creativity.

#1.1 Introduction

PBL stands for both project-based learning and problem-based learning. The goal of this project is to help students define the problem they want to solve, while develop a sense of purpose in their school life. By conducting this workshop, we want to help student have a better understanding of the education they receive and become the dominator of their education. Thus have a closer connection and deeper understanding with the world they are going to shape as entrepreneurs.

#1.2 Strategy

This workshop consists of three parts: "an overview of all knowledge"," define problem", "conduct project". The workshop would last for a semester. The first month they would go to lectures, meet professors, and deliver an assignment showing their understanding of knowledge, in a structured way. The second month they would join meetings and seminars with entrepreneurs to gain insights about real life problems. The assignment for this section is to analyze their strengths and passion, and define the problem they want to solve. The third month students would form teams and conduct a project. Note that their project does not to be practical. The goal is the help student to think more problem-based, and to think like an entrepreneur.</div

Project 3 Online Short Videos Sharing I&E Information(Mengze in charge)

#3.1 Introduction

There exists lots of I&E space, facilities and lectures, however,only small fraction of students know them.So, I consider shooting a series of videos to introduce all resources we have in campus. I'll devide the video set into 3 parts: I&E Space and Facilities/I&E courses/I&E Lectures and Clubs. For each part, I plan to shoot 3-4 episodes. 

''''#3.1 Strategy

For video shooting part:'I plan to write the first 3 episodes' scirpts.The topics are: Adventure in 'I&E space. I am going to introduce the whole circumstances, basic facilities and who are engaging in this space and also my own experience in the space. Cause I am going to visit Onion Math Company these days so maybe I'll add one episode introducing basic situations about this company.

For video playing platform: To be discussed.I haven't decided whether to put those videos on or my personal wechat channel. I'm not sure whether it's possible to put those videos in some 'I&E course.

For advertising method: Poster maybe a good idea.After shooting, I plan to make several posters introducing my videos

Project 4 Platform for Internship & Skill Sharing Platform (Zhenyu in charge)

#4.1 Introduction

This is a platform for students to share their interns and skills so that everyone could share his own expertise within the community of Peking University, which could also be a source for talents and skills for start-ups from PKU students

The program is designed to be a WeChat Mini APP, including functions such as internship posting, mentor & mentee activity for skill sharing and a BBS for discussion. 

#4.2 Strategy

Start from design skill sharing and internship posting, then other skills and BBS.

Senior student with coding skill could be helpful when constructing the Mini APP

Use student union and campus We-media for promotion

Fundraising or get support from dean could be options to get money required

#4.3 Priorities

Lower the use-cost for both mentors and mentees, especially for mentors

Provide incentives for internship poster and skill mentors, try to find a sustainable model for this

First impression and experience could be of great importance, minimize the number of bugs

Strategies of 2018

#Strategy 1 Promote Innovative Educational Methodologies at PKU

#1.1 ¨Academic Lunch project¨ 

A regularly organised lunch project aming at building a relaxing and warm way to promote communication between professors and students. During this lunch, professors can present the innovative methods to their students and receive the authentic feedback from them, which can be a valuable reference to design the course.

#1.2 ¨Course Reform Weekly Newsletter¨

As the ¨ Course Reform¨  (课程改革) in PKU is becoming one of the central projects to adapt this historial university to the rapid development of the society, it´s necessary to open a channel which can let the reform known by the stakeholders. This Weekly Newsletter includes several columns, the latest course policy, special interview with the experts of course reform, new course evaluation from students etc. It can assume a inscription system, those who want to keep up with the changes can get what they want to know.

#1.3 ¨ Course lab ¨

This project wants to enlarge the impact of the most advanced methodologies in campus by engaging the students in the design of the courses. In this ¨ Course Lab ¨ project, students learn about the theory of the newest methodologies and design their own course on the shoes of a professor, which can let them be more conscious of the education that they received, and take more initiative in the study. 

#Strategy 2 Consolidate and Integrate Existing PKU I&E Channels

'1.    'Expand the Work of the I&E Landscape Canvas

  • Reformat and reconfigure the canvas to suit the particularities of the PKU Ecosystem
  • Seek out and add more information to the updated canvas on a regular basis
  • Find an effective way to relay these insights and/or make them publicly available at PKU
  • Outline and communicate key a “PKU I&E Status Quo” report to the relevant parties 

'2.   'Form an I&E Faculty Advisory Board

  • Identify and link up PKU I&E faculty champions as student ambassadors
  • Build stronger faculty affiliations to the School of I&E
  • Invite the board to all brainstorming and feedback sessions
  • Create an ecosystem matrix with the guidance of these mentors

'3.   'Advocate for a Shared I&E Resource Library via the President’s office

Propose to President Lin Jianhua the need for transparent/expanded access to I&E resources
  • Send a memo/email outlining goals to share knowledge and coordinate across departments
  • Perhaps build up a physical library of books and other resources inside the Global I&E Center
  • Organize sharing sessions or assemble a taskforce of professors can contribute content

'4.   'Host Sponsored Social Event to Celebrate Current I&E Achievements

  • Can be organized in its first edition as a launch of the School of I&E
  • Provides a great overview and debrief of successful programs, initiatives, and courses
  • A way to get decision makers, stakeholders, and other parties in the same room
  • Can become a regular bi-annual event if there is sufficient budget available

#Strategy 3 Enable and Expand Student Driven Ideas and Initiatives

  1.  Dynamically collect student feedback of our student-designed classes
  • collect in-time feedback from students
  • Review feedback everytime after class and synthize it to iterate
  • let student get engaged in the design of the course after they taking the class
  1.  Let students engage in practical trainings with 'hans-on practice'
  • combine theory with practice together in our designed courses
  • always get students task/mission-driven
  1.  Select more and more stduents to our leadership circle to help with the construction of the ecosystem
  • chose Peking University's UIF canditate from class then refer some of them to Standford's
  • Let them lead new programms by the guidance of PKU UIF organization
  • Gradually impact other students in PKU by sharing events and teaching programm

#Strategy 4 Connect and Develop the Greater PKU I&E Community

1.Campus based activities 

Organize a large number of campus based activities such as students’ and entrepreneurs’ TED like speeches in PKU to get more PKU students find the beauty and art of the spirit of entrepreneurship and learning by doing.

2. Wider Communications

Organize I&E communications between different schools and departments in PKU to enhance the collaboration and communication of various majors.

3. Inclusive teams

Allow enrolled students to organize their team across the camp or even invite some students from other Universities to join their team instead of organizing their team only among the enrolled students to let more students in PKU know our course and have a feeling and practice of entrepreneurship.

4. Set Models

Invite successful entrepreneurs to deliver a speech in our course to enable the students’ strategic mind of entrepreneurship. Core: You can’t be what you can’t see.

5. Personalized guidiance

Arrange a mentor for each team in our course for the second semester. The mentors ought to be successful entrepreneurs or angel investors.

#Strategy 5 Deliver and Empower Impact in a Growing I&E Ecosystem

1.Cross-country Communication 

Organize some I&E communication activities among various Universities across China to lead a culture of I&E and promote the Chinese students’ spirit of learning by doing.

2. Summer School and Training Camp

Organize summer students’ I&E education and training camp that every University student all over China have access to apply for with the support of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of PKU every summer to promote the influence of I&E education. And let the PKU students leading I&E education model become the standard of Chinese I&E education system.

3. Practice Basement

Set up a large number of PKU alumni government officials and entrepreneurs based practice campus all over China to be the source and support of students’ projects in our courses.

4. Broden Influence

Organize propaganda and advertisement activities (maybe TED like speeches, etc) on specific topics across China. And make this a useful tool to advertise our summer camp.

5. Seek for Government Suport

Talk to high ranking Chinese Government officials with the help of University faculties about our new methodology and practice of I&E education system and seek for their support to make our model and test a sustainable and influential model in the Chinese University education system.

6.Funding Support 

Set up a fund and seek for investment from entrepreneurs and governmental funds all over china to support the students’ project of our course.