Fellow:Sai Gurrapu

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Sai Gurrapu Profile Picture.png
Sai Gurrapu
School (Cohort)
Virginia Tech (2020 cohort)
Majoring in
Majoring in Computer Science
United States


Sai Gurrapu is a third-year undergraduate student studying Computer Science at Virginia Polytechnic and State University (Virginia Tech). Sai hopes to one day blend his programming knowledge, design skills, and business acumen to build something impactful. Sai is interested in startups, design, and behavioral economics. In his spare time he likes to read books, play the guitar, and think through interesting questions.


Sai is the Co-Founder of HitchHiqe, a ridesharing platform at Virginia Tech with over 300+ active users. Recently, he built Preventiv, one of the world's first open-source software to enable robust contact-tracing for the COVID pandemic. Sai is a builder at heart, and frequently attends hackathons throughout the country where he won many awards for his social-impact projects.

Social media profiles

LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/saig18/