
From University Innovation Fellows
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  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
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// <nowiki>
$( document ).ready( function (){

	function init() {
		// Remove the default content
		$('#mw-content-text > p').remove();
    	$('#firstHeading').text('Update wiki bio');

		// Check user login
    	if( mw.config.get("wgUserId") === null){
    		$('#mw-content-text').append("You have to login first.");
    	// Wait Message
    	var waitMsg = $('<p>').text('Wait, Page is loading.....').css('font-weight','bold' );
    	$('#mw-content-text').append( waitMsg );
    	// Creating API Object
    	requestAPI = new mw.Api();

		getCategoryItem().done(function ( resData ){
			console.log( resData );
			schoolOptions = [];
			members = resData.query.categorymembers;

			// Creating MenuItems array from Category Members
			members.forEach( function(mem){
						new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( {
						data: mem.title.replace("Category:", ""),
						label: mem.title.replace("Category:", "")
					} )

			// Create widgets
			var bio = new OO.ui.MultilineTextInputWidget( {
	            	placeholder: 'Bio',
	            	autosize: true, 
	            	rows: 10
	        	} ),
	        	achievements = new OO.ui.MultilineTextInputWidget( {
	            	placeholder: 'Achievements',
	            	autosize: true, 
	            	rows: 10
	        	} ),
	        	social = new OO.ui.MultilineTextInputWidget( {
	            	placeholder: 'Social media profiles',
	            	autosize: true, 
	            	rows: 10
	        	} ),
				currentPage = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { 
					placeholder: ''
				} ),
		        name = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { 
		            placeholder: 'Name'
		        } ),
				school = new OO.ui.DropdownWidget( {
					label: 'Select school',
					menu: {
						items: schoolOptions 
		        } ),
		        cohort = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { 
				    placeholder: '2019 Fall'
				} ),
		        image = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { 
		            placeholder: ''
		        } ),
		        major = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { 
		            placeholder: 'Majoring in'
		        } ),
		        country = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { 
		            placeholder: 'Country'
		        } ),
		        overwriteCheckbox = new OO.ui.CheckboxInputWidget( {
					value: 1,
					selected: true
				} ),
				overwritePage = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( overwriteCheckbox, {
					label: 'Do you want to redirect your username page ( ' + mw.config.get("wgUserName") + ' ) to Fellow page.', align: 'inline'
				} ),
				createBtn = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { 
				    label: 'Create Page', 
				    flags: [ 'progressive', 'primary' ]
				} ),
				cancelBtn = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
				    label: 'Cancel',
				    flags: [ 'primary', 'destructive' ],
				    href:  mw.config.get( 'wgServer' )
				} ),
				label1 = $('<p>').text('Current Fellow link:').css('font-weight','bold' ),
				label2 = $('<p>').text('Name:').css('font-weight','bold' ),
				label3 = $('<p>').text('School:').css('font-weight','bold' ),
				label4 = $('<p>').text('Cohort:').css('font-weight','bold' ),
				uploadLink = $("<a>").attr("href", "").attr( "target", "_blank" ).text("Upload"),
				label5 = $('<p>').html('Image page link: (' + uploadLink.prop('outerHTML') + ' if did not upload yet!)' ).css('font-weight','bold' ),
				label6 = $('<p>').text('Majoring in:').css('font-weight','bold' ),
				label7 = $('<p>').text('Country:').css('font-weight','bold' ),
				label8 = $('<p>').text('Bio:').css('font-weight','bold' ),
				label9 = $('<p>').text('Achievements:').css('font-weight','bold' ),
				label10 = $('<p>').text('Social media profiles:').css('font-weight','bold' ),
				divMainBox = $('<div />').css( {
					'box-shadow': '0 .5rem 1rem rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)',
					'border': '1px solid',
					'padding': '1rem',
					'margin-bottom': '3rem',
					'border-radius': '.5rem'
				label1, currentPage.$element,
				label2, name.$element,
				label3, school.$element,
				label4, cohort.$element,
				label5, image.$element,
				label6, major.$element,
				label7, country.$element, 
				label8, bio.$element,
				label9, achievements.$element,
				label10, social.$element,
			$( '#mw-content-text' ).append( divMainBox );
			// Event handler for Select cohort
			schoolResp = '';
			school.getMenu().on('select', function(data){
				schoolResp = data.getData();

			// Create button click event handler
			createBtn.on( 'click', function() {
				currentPageResp = currentPage.getValue().trim(),
				nameResp = name.getValue().trim(),
				cohortResp = cohort.getValue().trim(),
				imageResp = image.getValue().trim(),
				majorResp = major.getValue().trim();
				countryResp = country.getValue().trim(),
				bioResp = bio.getValue().trim();
				achievementsResp = achievements.getValue().trim(),
				socialResp = social.getValue().trim();
				overwitePageResp = overwriteCheckbox.isSelected();
				// Check whether user gave current Fellow link
				if( currentPageResp.toLowerCase().indexOf("fellow:") === -1){
					mw.notify( "Please give current Fellow page link.", { autoHide: false } );
				// Check whether the all fields are enough to run the function
				if( nameResp !== "" && schoolResp !== "" &&
					cohortResp !== "" && majorResp !== "" && countryResp !== "" ) {
					wikiContent = '{| class="wikitable" style="border: 5px ridge grey; float:right;" \n|-\n|';
					try {
						wikiContent += "[[File:"+ /File:(.+\.\w{3})/i.exec(imageResp)[1] +"|300px]]\n";
					catch(err) {
						wikiContent += "[[File:OOjs UI icon userAvatar.svg|300px]]\n";
					wikiContent += "|-\n|\n";
					wikiContent += ";Name: " + nameResp + "\n";
					wikiContent += ";School (Cohort): " + schoolResp + " (" + cohortResp + ")\n";
					wikiContent += ";Majoring in: " + majorResp + "\n";
					wikiContent += ";Country: " + countryResp + "\n";
					wikiContent += ";Email: [[Special:EmailUser/" + mw.config.get("wgUserName") + "]]\n";
					wikiContent += "|}\n";
					wikiContent += "==Bio==\n" + bioResp + "\n";
					wikiContent += "==Achievements==\n" + achievementsResp + "\n";
					wikiContent += "==Social media profiles==\n" + socialResp + "\n";
					pageTitle = /Fellow:([^&\?]*)/i.exec( currentPageResp )[0];
					categoriesParam = {
						"action": "query",
						"format": "json",
						"prop": "categories",
						"titles": pageTitle,
						"utf8": 1
					requestAPI.get( categoriesParam ).done( function(dataResp){
						categories = dataResp.query.pages[Object.keys(dataResp.query.pages)[0]].categories;
						categories.forEach( function(cat){
							wikiContent += "\n[[" + cat.title + "]]";	
						wikiContent += "\n{{CatTree|" + schoolResp + "}}";
						// Editing the Fellow page
						doEdit(pageTitle, wikiContent, overwitePageResp);
						mw.notify( "Can't fetc current Fellow page categories.", { autoHide: false } );
				} else {
					mw.notify( "Some fields have no text :( Please fill them." );

		function getCategoryItem(){
			catMemberParam = {
				"action": "query",
				"format": "json",
				"list": "categorymembers",
				"cmtitle": "Category:Schools Categories",
				"cmprop": "title",
				"cmtype": "subcat",
				"cmlimit": "500"
			return requestAPI.get( catMemberParam, { async: false }  );

    	function doEdit(title, wikiContent, redirect){

    		// Edit the page
			var editParams = {
				action: 'edit',
				title: title,
				text: wikiContent,
				summary: "Recreated Fellow Page",
				format: 'json'
			requestAPI.postWithToken( 'csrf', editParams, { async: false } ).done( function ( res ) {
				if( res.edit.result === "Success"){
					if( redirect === true){
						var editUserpage = {
							action: 'edit',
							title: 'User:' + mw.config.get("wgUserName"),
							text: '#REDIRECT [[' + title + ']]',
							summary: "Redirect to Fellow Page",
							format: 'json'
						requestAPI.postWithToken( 'csrf', editUserpage, { async: false } ).done( function ( res ) {
							mw.notify( title + " page has created :) and userpage redirected.");
							window.location.replace( mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) + "/wiki/" + title );
						}).fail( function(){
							mw.notify( title + " page has created :) but userpage failed.");
							window.location.replace( mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) + "/wiki/" + title );
					} else {
						mw.notify( title + " page has created :)" );
						window.location.replace( mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) + "/wiki/" + title );
				} else{
					mw.notify( "Something went worng :(" );
			} );

	if ( mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Blankpage' && mw.config.get('wgTitle').split('/', 2)[1] === 'UpdateWikiBio' ) {
		mw.loader.using( ['oojs-ui-core', 'oojs-ui-widgets', 'mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.notify'], init );